LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Homebrew Legends on Facebook (misc)

There can never be enough homebrew news pages around, so it’s time to let you know that Homebrew Legends are also on Facebook now – so are we, just in case 😉

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Taco v2018.05.18 (WIP) (SNES Game)

Taco for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Super Famicom has more progress to show. The worldmap itself splits into another submap, so here is another picture.

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DeSmuME-NX v2018.05.18 (Nintendo DS emu for Nintendo Switch)

DeSmuME-NX is a port of DeSmuME to the Nintendo Switch by MasterFeizz. Thanks to Nintendomax for the news.

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Anemone3DS v2.0.1 (Nintendo 3DS Application)

Anemone3DS is a theme and splashscreen manager for the Nintendo 3DS, written in C.

Thanks to Nintendomax for the news.

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SDLPoP v1.0 (Nintendo Switch Game Port)

SDLPoP is an open-source port of Prince of Persia, based on the disassembly of the DOS version. The Nintendo Switch port has been arranged by usineur0.

Thanks to Nintendomax for the news.

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Super Hydorah (Commercial) (iOS Game)

The retro style shooter Super Hydorah is now available for iOS devices! The game is 6,99$ or 7,99 €.

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Paprium v2018.05.18 (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Game developent with ups and downs. News about Paprium for the Sega Genesis!

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The Viking & The Ninja v2018.05.17 (WIP) (Genesis misc)

According to Homebrew Legends developer Zebbe is working on a new Genesis game named The Viking & The Ninja. The game seems to be inspired by Gauntlet and Dungeon Explorer.

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RVG Interviews Second Dimension (Genesis misc)

Retro Video Gamer (RVG) interviews the guys behind Second Dimension.

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Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 v2018.05.17 (Non Public) (GBC Game)

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 is a non public 8-bit demake of Mortal Kombat 3 for the Game Boy Color by PSC. This project is in private beta since ages, but it still comes along. The project is non commercial and non profit.

Quote from Twitter:

If you guys would like to play a version of the beta with more characters (Jax, Kung Lao, SubZero), just email me: z80artist(at)mail(dot)com It’s a bit glitchy, but may be fun while waiting for the upcoming major update.

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