LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Video: NES Programming #18 – We Unbreak The Broken Things (NES misc)

Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming.

NES Programming #18 - We unbreak the broken things


In this episode, we test a few more ideas out to see if I can make my asset loading code work efficiently enough on the NES. After reaching my conclusion, I modified the asset tool to support swapping colors in the palette for the transparent color and saving the sprite changes back to disk. Next time, we’ll start working on tile mapping and loading the game backgrounds into the nametable. This will mean we have to start looking at palettes more seriously, too.

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Newo Fox v2018.04.01 (WIP) (Wii Game)

Owen still works on Newo Fox for Nintendo’s Wii.


Updated the test build to v1.095 added combo meter, increasing fire rate, extra bombs which use meter, wiimote rumble, messed with the colours, intro slideshow cards

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Alfonzo’s Arctic Adventure v2018.03.31 (WIP) (NES Game)

Alfonzo’s Arctic Adventure for NES got an updated demo!

Release notes:

I’ve uploaded a new demo for the Alfonzo game, now titled “Alfonzo’s Arctic Adventure”. This demo contains the same first world and melee mode as the previous demo, but with the updated features that will be available in the full version of the game, including cut scenes, a world map, and secret exits. Personally, I believe it is much more polished and professional looking. Give it a try and see for yourself!

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Unnamed Genesis Game v2018.03.31 by Mikael Tillander (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Mikael Tillander shows us more of his still unnamed Genesis game.


Speed-running the now named(?) game! I still suck at it, was too early on a double-jump so the sequence got interrupted. #megadrive #genesis #gamedev

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8:00 AM (PICO-8 Game)

8:00 AM is a PICO-8 game by Sushicats. Get along the rush hour!

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Curse of Kildren v1.1 (PICO-8 Game)

Curse of Kildren is a PICO-8 game by gfcarstensen. It’s a Zelda like adventure. Defeat the wizard Kildren and release the kingdom from his wintery curse. Features an Overworld and 6 dungeons to explore. Includes 6 bosses, and many different enemies, weapons and items.

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Newo Fox v2018.03.31 (WIP) (Wii Game)

Owen still works on Newo Fox for Nintendo’s Wii.


Finishing up, polishing and looking for bugs. #wii #homebrew #screenshotsaturday

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Video: NES Programming #17 – What Fun New Ways Can We Break It? (NES misc)

Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming.

NES Programming #17 - What fun new ways can we break it?


So, over the weekend I decided I wanted to try and change the sprite drawing code to load data about the sprites to populate them vs just generating the assembly to do it. This seems to have been a mistake and I struggled through getting it barely working with huge negative impact to performance… hopefully we can fix it next time (or we’ll just revert our changes back and go with the original method). Thanks to those who stuck it out for this extra long stream.

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Vector Invaders: Space Shooter v1.20 (Android Game)

Vector Invaders: Space Shooter is an Arcade game for Android by Gazzapper Games. Vector Invaders from outer space are attacking the base, fire on alien intruders with your laser weapons and shield defenses in this free ad-supported retro vector space shooter. Defeat the attacking galactic hordes.

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Ping Pong Classic: Table Tennis v1.44 (Android Game)

Ping Pong Classic:Table Tennis is an Arcade game for Android by Gazzapper Games. Possibyl there is not much to explain, if so, you might visit the wrong page right now 🙂 This game is adfree.

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