LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Crypt of Dracula v2018.04.27 (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Crypt of Dracula by Matteusbeus: News for the ones visiting Retro Revival 2018 in Walsall!


Just finished putting all the new level 1 backgrounds into Crypt of Dracula in preparation for our demo at Retro Revival in May 🙂 I’ve disabled a few room types and restricted the game to level 1 so we don’t give everything away 🙂 #retrogaming

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Tanglewood v2018.04.27 (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Quality tests for Tanglewood by Big Evil Corporation have come to an end?


The last report received from our QA teams contained no crashes, progression blockers, or high priority issues – it’s just minor bugs and small tweaks from here on out! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

We’ve started our closed beta scheme, currently restricted to crowdfunding backers only. Kickstarter backers should have a private update waiting, Megafounder backers who would like to take part should get in touch via email:

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Retro Asylum #183 (misc)

Retro Asylum #183 is here!


In this special and slightly different episode Paul Davies and Chris O’Regan are fresh from EGX Rezzed 2018 and want to talk about all the games there that had a retro developer, inlfuence or mechanic. There were a stack of games at Rezzed this year that fitted one or more of these categories!

Games discussed:

Dead Cells
MaoMao Castle
Planet Alpha
Rogue Aces
Travis Strikes Again
Shaq Fu
Phoenix Point

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The Retro League Podcast – Episode 433 – Short-Lived Live Services (misc)

The Retro League Podcast features discussion about the latest retro gaming news, re-releases, community developments and reviews of our favorite games.

This week:

This week we wonder who was the music composer for the worst fighting games we’ve ever played. We enjoy some Final Fantasy music that’s been crossed over to different consoles and we compare modern live services to DIVX discs. We’ve got Neo Geo fighting games and a collection of NES classics in this episode of the Retro League.

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Crypt of Dracula (Preview) (Genesis Game)

It’s seriously difficult to wait for promising homebrew titles. Matteusbeus of Crypt of Dracula fame doesn’t make it easier to keep calm! Check out the teaser video!

Preview of Crypt of Dracula a game for the Sega Genesis & Mega Drive

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Newo Fox v1.1 (Wii Game)

Newo Fox for Nintendo Wii by Owen is finally public! Go and grab this marvelous rails shooter arcade game in the style of Starfox.

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Witchbeat (PICO-8 Game)

Witchbeat is a PICO-8 game by dragonxvi.

The illustrious Rhythm Witch Anemone Reawolf has a problem – her underground storeroom is in complete disarray and the Storemaster’s nowhere to be seen. Can you navigate a trap-filled dungeon, rescue the odd fairy and uncover the true mastermind behind all this chaos?!

Witchbeat fuses rhythm-game mechanics with good ol’ dungeon delving. Get close (but not too close!) to your enemy and attack in time with the beat. Solve puzzles, find keys, beat up blobs and generally faff about.

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Video: NES Programming #24 – Interrupting The Interrupter (NES misc)

Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming.

NES Programming #24 - Interrupting the interrupter


In this episode I got the MMC3 IRQ working once I realized the I had to re-enable interrupts on the CPU. After that, we saw what happened as you mess with the nametables while scrolling and experimented with one solution to vertical scrolling and scanline counting. I need to some more research to see how other games do this. Thanks for watching and see you next stream!

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PICKLE v2018.04.27 (Atari 2600 Game)

easmith released his latest homebrew Atari 2600 game PICKLE to the public. The intention is a simple 2-player game, where the runner must steal as many bases as possible without being tagged out.

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Genesis Fight Engine Moves v1.9 (Genesis misc)

Seems someone is straight into coding a nice fighting engine for the Sega Mega Drive. If you are one of these peeps checking out everything go download the demo Genesis Fight Engine Moves.

Genesis Fight Engine moves 1.6

Thanks to Game Development @GameCreating for the hint.

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