LvR (Gameboy Advance)

The Retro Hour EP113 – Donkey Kong Country to Snake Pass (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


We talk to Rare legend David Wise about composing Donkey Kong Country, Battletoads and other classic game soundtracks.

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The Retro League Podcast – Episode 427 – Fighting With Bad Controllers (misc)

The Retro League Podcast features discussion about the latest retro gaming news, re-releases, community developments and reviews of our favorite games.

This week:

This week we’re taking a deep dive into the Real Bout Fatal Fury games and looking forward to playing Oregon Trail on a handheld stand-alone game. Toys R Us is about to close its doors for the final time, and someone wants to solve the problem that is a lack of IMDB-type sites for video games. We’ve got HD FPS’s and updates to Mario’s job status in this episode of the Retro League.

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Cat Bandit v2018.03.12 (PICO-8 Game)

Slugs have stolen the world’s supply of shiny diamonds! It’s time for our hero Cat Bandit to take them back. Break into every last room of Slug Bank, and steal the diamonds back! Do you have what it takes to become a world-class thief?

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RetroManiac #12 (misc)

RetroManiac #12 is a free spanish magazine taking care of indie videogames, various retro and homebrew producs but also classic games. Maybe one of our spanish speaking visitors will appreciate this magazine.

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Video: Retro Game Designer – Dev Log 1 (misc)

Retro Game Designer by Orion_ is a new upcoming tool to design and create retrogames using Windows.

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Video: NES Programming #10 – A Slight Diversion Into Tool Making (NES misc)

Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming.

NES Programming #10 - A slight diversion into tool making


Okay, it was a major diversion 🙂 In this episode, I started work on a tool for managing assets in the game in C. We spent the episode building some immediate mode GUI functionality and will continue to build upon that as we need more functionality.

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Cytoid v1.4 (Android Game)

Cytoid by Tiger Tang is a rhythm game where you can create, share and play your own levels!


– Introducing: Ranked Mode! Play and rank among global players!
– Two new built-in songs from Trifect and PTB10!
– You can now share your scores with others!
– Much faster startup time!
– Fixed levels being incorrectly vertically inverted: you can now turn off “Inverse” for your levels if you were told to turn on it previously
– The installed level will now be automatically selected
– New option: larger hitboxes & early/late indicator
– Many bug fixes

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floopy v1.2 (Android Game)

floopy is an Android game by zumpdo. Help the bird flap and fly by guiding it to hoops. There are lots of birds to unlock.


* More characters! More floopy fun!
* Rewarded Video Ads to get more coins and unlock more birds!

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Video: NES Programming #9 – Finishing Up The State Transitions And Talking About Tools (NES misc)

Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming.

NES Programming #9 - Finishing up the state transitions and talking about tools


In this stream, I finished up the code for handling state transitions, cleaned up code with regards to waiting for the PPU appropriately, finished the simple compress title screen, and talked about what kind of tool I’d like to make for the game and for NES programming in general. Thanks to all those that watched and thank you for those who commented and made corrections- I appreciate the feedback!

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Meritous v0.1 (Nintendo Switch Game Port)

Meritous is an action-adventure dungeon crawl game now ported to Nintendo Switch by nop90. The game is a cross between a top-view dungeon crawler and a bullet-hell shoot-em-up. In it, you control main character Merit, who travels through an enormous 3000-room labyrinth, the Orcus Dome, in order to find three artifacts called the PSI Keys, and restore them to their proper locations.

The game’s official homepage can be found here:


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