LvR (Gameboy Advance)

PDRoms Server Donation – May 2018 (misc)

If anyone has few spare cent to donate to the server costs, we won’t say no 😉 Thanks in advance. Find a donation box to your right side on the main page.

Thanks & Regards
Kojote & Team

Donators in May 2018: Robert Lischke
Donators in April 2018: Herve Piton and Douglas Barry!
Donators in March 2018: Ringo and Douglas!

Thanks everyone!

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iftop v1.0.1.1 (Pandora Application Port)

Paul Warren and Chris Lightfoot are authors of iftop. This tool displays bandwidth usage on an interface. Ported to Pandora by sm0kew0n.

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Kavinsky Nightcall v2018.05.01 (Genesis Techdemo)

Kavinsky Nightcall is a complete remake of Jesse Forest’s earlier Nightcall VGM-ROM. This time the graphics represten the movie and not the album cover.

Kavinsky Nightcall Sega Megadrive/genesis. ROM in description!

Thanks to Mun for the hint!

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Mangangá v2018.05.02 II (Genesis Game)

Shortly after knowing about Mangangá the developers released a second screenshot, which is a mockup for now. It looks too good to just keep it under the hood, so here we go and share it with everyone.

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Mangangá v2018.05.02 (Genesis Game)

Mangangá is yet another Sega Genesis game in development. Genesis / Mega Drive fans seriously have a lot too look forward in the near future. Main character in this game is Zé Redondo (“Joe Round” in the english version). There will be three worlds with plenty of sublevels along with a boss.

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Mega Man X (Commercial) (30th Anniversary Classic Cartridge) (SNES Game)

iam8bit are about to release Mega Man X 30th Anniversary Classic Cartridge for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The release is limited to 8.500 pieces. Yet another potential 100US$ going down the hill 🙂

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Stoplight Gogogo! v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

Stoplight Gogogo! is a PICO-8 game by alanxoc3. Tap while it’s green and stop tapping before the traffic light turns red. A simple game for easy going entertainment.

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Mega Man 2 (Commercial) (30th Anniversary Classic Cartridge) (NES Game)

iam8bit are about to release a PAL Mega Man 2 30th Anniversary Classic Cartridge for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The release is limited to 8.500 pieces. There is only one thing to say: Capcom + iam8bit, shut up and take my 100US$!

Mega Man - 30th Anniversary Classic Cartridges

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SHOCKWAVE v0.1 (PICO-8 Game)

SHOCKWAVE is a PICO-8 game by PROGRAM_IX. Shockwaves will sweep away the rocks of the same colour, but your ship is vulnerable to either kind so you had better sweep carefully! Watch the cooldown marker in the bottom left corner.

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Picolarium v2018.04.30 (PICO-8 Game)

Picolarium is a PICO-8 game by tobiasvl. It’s a clone / demake of Polarium known from the Nintendo DS. It’s pretty much feature complete, except that rudimentary music and sfx are missing.

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