LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Tänzer v2018.05.16 (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Mikael Tillander got the first draft of box art for his upcoming Genesis / Mega Drive game Tänzer.


Finally got the cover art, made by Fergi Susetiyo. Playing around with box layouts for the game. It’s a first deraft, at least. 🙂 #megadrive #genesis #tänzer #gamedev

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Planet Virtual Boy (WIP) (Virtual Boy emulator for Nintendo 3DS)

Guy Perfect is working on Planet Virtual Boy, which is a Virtual Boy emulator for the Nintendo 3DS. There is no release yet, but you can donate some money already so he can pay his bills.

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NXEngine v2018.05.20 (Nintendo Switch misc)

NXEngine has been ported to Nintendo Switch by carstene1ns and is a reimplementation of the original Cave Story / Doukutsu Monogatari game engine, using its data files. The game itself is a pretty famous side-scrolling platformer from 2004. This release has nothing to do with Cave Story+ (published by Nicalis and being an actual, official Switch game).

Thanks to Nintendomax for the news!

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Pilot8 v2018.05.22 (PICO-8 Game)

Pilot8 is a simple shooter game for PICO-8 by btco.

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Bootee v2018.05.15 (NES Game)

Bootee is a brandnew Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) / Famicom game by The Mojon Twins! If you don’t, you should know, you will bounce… and bounce and bounce and bounce. Basically, you will control Cheril in a big leather boot hopping around a dark castle. Bouncing non-stop!

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Holy Diver (Pre-Order) (Commercial) (NES Game)

Do you have what it takes to find the Five Crimson Emblem Seals to defeat the Black Slayer? The Holy Diver cartridge has been resurrected, nearly 30 years after its original release in Japan. Published by Retro-Bit®, the Holy Diver Collector’s Edition is loaded with exclusive collectibles and available for a limited time only. Costs are $59.99.

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Video: NES Programming #32 – The colors! The colors! (NES misc)

Michael Chiaramonte shows us more NES Programming.

NES Programming #32 - The colors! The colors!


In this episode I got palette data exporting more or less how I wanted and was able to load meta-tile palettes manually into the PPU to see what they looked like on the emulator. I found that we’ve run into a problem because the screen is only 30 tiles high as opposed to 32 so I need to figure out how I’m going to modify the palette attributes to accommodate. Next time, we’ll work on that and remove some of the fakery involved in getting the palettes loaded into the system. Thanks for watching and see you Thursday!

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Orange Island v2018.05.15 (WIP) (NES Game)

Orange Island is a new NES game in development. The authors already play around getting a nice physical prepared.

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SecondBASIC v2018.05.06 (WIP) (Sega 32x misc)

SecondBASIC is Windows based BASIC compiler targeted for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. Based off of the BEX library created by Joseph Norman, SecondBASIC brings a familiarity to those who are familiar with BEX while adding some additional commands and built in tools to help aid in the development of your projects. Soon with Sega 32x support!

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Spout v1.2 (Android Game Port)

Spout is a small, abstract shooting game from Japanese developer kuni. EXL‘s port of Spout for Android uses rendering the video context of the game to textures, which are displayed using OpenGL ES. There are added touch control and some game engine improvements.

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