NitroTracker is a FastTracker II style tracker for the Nintendo DS. NitroTracker is a versatile tool for creating music – everywhere! It supports the popular XM file format that is used by many PC trackers and that can be played on many PC audio players such as Winamp or XMMS. With NitroTracker, you can carry your XMs around in your DS and compose whenever and wherever you feel like it.
0xtob, the main-coder, will be still maintaining the project but with the step to go open source, he hopes that others jump into the boat and help to make NitroTracker even better!
News source:
NitroGrafx is a PC-Engine/TurboGrafx16 emulator for the DS by FluBBa. Most things from PCEAdvance are ported over and most games run quite good.
*Fixed CPU cycles per scanline (455, confirmed on hardware).
*Fixed timing of scroll register writes.
*Fixed Sprite DMA IRQ handling.
*Fixed savestates a bit (should be compatible between versions now).
*Fixed scaling after loading savestate.
*Fixed caching of Bios.
*Better timing of ADPCM playing (still no sound though).
*Debug output now optional, also more info is written.
POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait.
Fireball and Cloudkill always explode at the end of their trajectory.
When you gain permanent intrinsics by evolving or lichifying, relevant temporary intrinsics will be cleared, preventing you from having a silver-tolerant lich. (Nathan Bogue)
Timestamps on the final character dump and the description of how long you lived will now match. (Deozaan)
You can wish for bones and corpses without them instantly dissolving. (Garron)
You can no longer fetch items that have teleport fixed. (Eris Discordia)
When a creature (un)polys into a gargantuan creature, it will now also push away monsters in addition to crushing walls. (Nathan Bogue)
Lich-form creatures that are undead no longer report it being your evil that was useless. (garron Bailey)
When you name an item, the menu defaults to naming the type rather than the specific as this is the usual scenario.
The floor of the kiwi room is now the proper floor tile.
Controled teleport onto the square you are already standing no longer reports that you are blocked, but that you decide to stay put.
Mysterious mapping of rooms fixed. Thanks to Kender and Mental Mouse for tracking this down – it has been annoying me for six years or so! (David Damerell, Eilu, Kender, Mental Mouse) should work with –use-home-dir again. (garron)
The option menu no longer has Load. Instead it has Quit, which prompts you if you meant this. Loading is now only done from the main menu.
No experience for killing your pets.
Confirmation prompt if starting New Game with active saved game as one can easily accidentally overwrite it.
Some spells when mistargeted no longer waste your mana. Not all, so remain vigilant.
Cancelling your choice in the Wish menu no longer costs a turn.
Fix potential crash when you are killed by splash damage from a thrown item.
While the highscore is kept, save games are never preserved between versions. Please wait until your current character dies before upgrading.
POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait.
Fireball and Cloudkill always explode at the end of their trajectory.
When you gain permanent intrinsics by evolving or lichifying, relevant temporary intrinsics will be cleared, preventing you from having a silver-tolerant lich. (Nathan Bogue)
Timestamps on the final character dump and the description of how long you lived will now match. (Deozaan)
You can wish for bones and corpses without them instantly dissolving. (Garron)
You can no longer fetch items that have teleport fixed. (Eris Discordia)
When a creature (un)polys into a gargantuan creature, it will now also push away monsters in addition to crushing walls. (Nathan Bogue)
Lich-form creatures that are undead no longer report it being your evil that was useless. (garron Bailey)
When you name an item, the menu defaults to naming the type rather than the specific as this is the usual scenario.
The floor of the kiwi room is now the proper floor tile.
Controled teleport onto the square you are already standing no longer reports that you are blocked, but that you decide to stay put.
Mysterious mapping of rooms fixed. Thanks to Kender and Mental Mouse for tracking this down – it has been annoying me for six years or so! (David Damerell, Eilu, Kender, Mental Mouse) should work with –use-home-dir again. (garron)
The option menu no longer has Load. Instead it has Quit, which prompts you if you meant this. Loading is now only done from the main menu.
No experience for killing your pets.
Confirmation prompt if starting New Game with active saved game as one can easily accidentally overwrite it.
Some spells when mistargeted no longer waste your mana. Not all, so remain vigilant.
Cancelling your choice in the Wish menu no longer costs a turn.
Fix potential crash when you are killed by splash damage from a thrown item.
While the highscore is kept, save games are never preserved between versions. Please wait until your current character dies before upgrading.
POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait.
Fireball and Cloudkill always explode at the end of their trajectory.
When you gain permanent intrinsics by evolving or lichifying, relevant temporary intrinsics will be cleared, preventing you from having a silver-tolerant lich. (Nathan Bogue)
Timestamps on the final character dump and the description of how long you lived will now match. (Deozaan)
You can wish for bones and corpses without them instantly dissolving. (Garron)
You can no longer fetch items that have teleport fixed. (Eris Discordia)
When a creature (un)polys into a gargantuan creature, it will now also push away monsters in addition to crushing walls. (Nathan Bogue)
Lich-form creatures that are undead no longer report it being your evil that was useless. (garron Bailey)
When you name an item, the menu defaults to naming the type rather than the specific as this is the usual scenario.
The floor of the kiwi room is now the proper floor tile.
Controled teleport onto the square you are already standing no longer reports that you are blocked, but that you decide to stay put.
Mysterious mapping of rooms fixed. Thanks to Kender and Mental Mouse for tracking this down – it has been annoying me for six years or so! (David Damerell, Eilu, Kender, Mental Mouse) should work with –use-home-dir again. (garron)
The option menu no longer has Load. Instead it has Quit, which prompts you if you meant this. Loading is now only done from the main menu.
No experience for killing your pets.
Confirmation prompt if starting New Game with active saved game as one can easily accidentally overwrite it.
Some spells when mistargeted no longer waste your mana. Not all, so remain vigilant.
Cancelling your choice in the Wish menu no longer costs a turn.
Fix potential crash when you are killed by splash damage from a thrown item.
While the highscore is kept, save games are never preserved between versions. Please wait until your current character dies before upgrading.
Added Apr 17, 2010, Under:
POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait. POWDER Wii has been ported by insin.
Fireball and Cloudkill always explode at the end of their trajectory.
When you gain permanent intrinsics by evolving or lichifying, relevant temporary intrinsics will be cleared, preventing you from having a silver-tolerant lich. (Nathan Bogue)
Timestamps on the final character dump and the description of how long you lived will now match. (Deozaan)
You can wish for bones and corpses without them instantly dissolving. (Garron)
You can no longer fetch items that have teleport fixed. (Eris Discordia)
When a creature (un)polys into a gargantuan creature, it will now also push away monsters in addition to crushing walls. (Nathan Bogue)
Lich-form creatures that are undead no longer report it being your evil that was useless. (garron Bailey)
When you name an item, the menu defaults to naming the type rather than the specific as this is the usual scenario.
The floor of the kiwi room is now the proper floor tile.
Controled teleport onto the square you are already standing no longer reports that you are blocked, but that you decide to stay put.
Mysterious mapping of rooms fixed. Thanks to Kender and Mental Mouse for tracking this down – it has been annoying me for six years or so! (David Damerell, Eilu, Kender, Mental Mouse) should work with –use-home-dir again. (garron)
The option menu no longer has Load. Instead it has Quit, which prompts you if you meant this. Loading is now only done from the main menu.
No experience for killing your pets.
Confirmation prompt if starting New Game with active saved game as one can easily accidentally overwrite it.
Some spells when mistargeted no longer waste your mana. Not all, so remain vigilant.
Cancelling your choice in the Wish menu no longer costs a turn.
Fix potential crash when you are killed by splash damage from a thrown item.
Added Apr 17, 2010, Under:
WiiMC (Wii Media Centre) is an open source media player for the Nintendo Wii. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.
Ability to play virtually any video or audio format
DVD playback, with DVD menu support (requires IOS 202)
Picture viewer
Music player
Online media support
SD, USB 2.0, SMB, HTTP, and FTP support
Attractive libwiigui-based interface, designed with the Wii in mind
Dear visitors,
As you all know PDRoms is a non profit homebrew resource. Our server is having some issues which I can’t solve on my own as I don’t really have in depth knowledge with Debian-Linux.
If you consider yourself a Linux geek and would like to help out on a regular base, please get in touch with Kojote (see Main Menu/Contact).
Thanks in advance!
We hardly have news about Pokemon Mini development but this could change! You now do have the chance of ordering a development flash card!
Thanks to ph0x for the news hint!