LvR (Gameboy Advance)

BennuGD v1.0.0.r312 (Pandora misc Port)

Bennu is a scripting language aimed at making games. Bennu is designed as an easy tool you can use to develop games with. It provides easy solutions for sound and graphic operations. While not being as easy as Game Maker, it is also not as limiting as Game Maker. With Bennu, you decide what game you make.,0,0,0,1,479

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Retrogaming Times Monthly #103 (misc)

Retrogaming Times Monthly #103 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on the homebrew scene.

Content of this issue:

* Press Fire To Begin
* Retrogaming News

* The Retro Junkie – The Batman Effect
* Retro Collecting 101 – Perler Mania!
* CoCoLicious! – It Takes Two, CoCo2 That Is!

* The Thrill Of Defeat – The Dragon That Faintly Roared
* MAME Reviews – Pirate Ship Higemaru
* Apple II Incider – Scouting The MicroLeagues
* The Retro Junkie (Strikes Back) – TMNT III: The Manhattan Project
* Freeware Alert – Iji & Not Tetris 2

* Game Over

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Combatz (Game)

Isidor makes X-Mas happen before X-Mas and gifts Wiz and Caanoo users with a game, based on the Atari 2600 classic Combat. Unfortunately there is little information about Combatz by the author himself, so you may try on your own if this is one or two player and if there are signs of AI at all.

Thanks to for the news.

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The DragonBox Coding Competition 2012 (misc)

Michael Mrozek, aka EvilDragon, has come up with The DragonBox Coding Competition for the following consoles and handhelds: Pandora, GCW Zero, Caanoo and/or Wiz!

If you decide to make your game open-source at the very end, you’ll have a tiny kickstart! Just go ahead and check the rules. The competition runs until 15th February 2013!

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Bolt Thrower v0.71 (Wii Game)

Bolt Thrower is a single player Space Shoot ‘Em Up. It’s development has seem to come to an end with this release.

Bolt Thrower v0.60


* Final release – nothing big, decided to submit remaining changes into release
* Optimized probe mines code using spatial grid (you can now have far more probe mines!)
* The Probe mine’s interaction behavior has change as part of the optimize
* Reworked credits screen
* Shield level now remains at zero when you are killed
* Tune loading is now on it’s own thread
* Tune loading now uses a pop up

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Texttris v1.2 (Wii Game)

Texttris by toddy is basically the same as Toddtris but with ASCII graphics, for those of you who love minimalism.

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Toddtris v1.2 (Wii Game)

Toddtris by toddy is a one or two player Tetris style game for Wii. Soundtrack is courtesy of Pete.

The graphics and sounds are customisable to an extent. All the images and the soundtrack can be changed by swapping the files in the images / sounds directory. The background JPEG can be swapped no problem, the PNGs for the blocks and so on need to be in the format required by GRRLib.

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BadApple (Genesis Demo)

BadApple!! by FLM is a demo for the Genesis / Megadrive. Due to it’s size it’s cut into two binaries. The only way to watch BadApple!! complete is to use the 8MB Everdrive version and it’s specific hardware.

[Touhou] Bad Apple!! - Sega Megadrive / Genesis version

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Tape21 (Genesis Demo)

K-Storm & Los Taco presented their abstract Sega Genesis / Megadrive Demo Tape21 recently to the public. Being a fan of artistic demos, this one has too much noise, but tastes are different – aren’t they?

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Liquid Candy (A2600 Demo)

Liquid Candy by Shadow/Noice and Ilmarque/Trilobit is some sort of candy indeed. It’s a breath taking demonstration of what can be done with an Atari VCS system and in this brilliance so far the only of it’s kind.

Liquid Candy/Noice (Atari VCS/2600 demo)

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