Leigh send a new version of his 3D-Engine “Raycaster” to the guys at! Source is avaliable too.
BTW… today is the “day of truth”. I’ve to solve my exam (a-level’s) in english. Only seven hours left… cross you fingers 🙂 In case I pass, I’ve preapared a nice update :)))
GBAdev’s Hearts Coding Competition is over. There were nine entries in total. Two of them seem to be unplayable due to bugs. Get the final results and the files from GBAdev 🙂
Opus released an updated version of Blod Runner (kind of ‘Loderunner’ clone). There were just little changes. Source is avaliable too. Check out Opus’ Homepage using the link below.
ZoneGN finally released their new GBA shooter “Uranus 2 – Sun Tear”.
Features of this game are:
– vertical shoot’em up
– 8 Stages + 2 hidden + boss!
– 3 selectables characters + 1 hidden characters
– Special Attack & upgradable shoot
– 4 types of sub weapons
– 2 languages ( English & French )
– Many special mode & hidden mode
– hidden Cheat code !
Gameboy Advance
Bombjack (unfinished) by Dennis Munsie
Clac Q One (No Sound Version) by Etage97
Coin Adventure by John Ward
Colors (04 Jan 02) by Dennis Munsie
Header by Dennis Munsie
Joytest by Dennis Munsie
The Son of Grooveboy by Scania 9 Entertainment
Neo No Panepon (Beta 7th July 2002 MAMEFIX) by Blastar
Rotozoomer by Mr Spiv
Dennis Munsie released a Bombjack Clone for GBA. It’s unfinished and not playable yet. If you want to have a look anyway visit Dennis’ homepage.
Etage97 released a new strategy game for GBA called “Clac Q”. Highscore and two player mode are avaliable! More information on Etage97’s homepage!
John Ward is back with a new amazing Jump’n’Run game called “Coin Adventure”. The game reminds me on Sonic, got very good graphics, nice tunes, but the gameplay is a bit worse. Visit for the download. [Now I’m really off to the demoparty :]
First the new additions:
Gameboy Advance
Star-Shot v2 by Opus
Blod-Runner by Opus
Street Racing GBA by Krzysk
SplamSID v1.1 by Pete Dabbs
Happy Thanksgiving by CONATiON
Neo Geo Pocket Color
Maze v1.05 by Jeff Siebold
Nintendo 8-BIT (NES)
Sack Of Flour v1b by CMU NESdev Team
Sack Of Flour v1c by CMU NESdev Team
New routines for pdroms by Pancid (see previous post)!
This is the last update for the next days. During the weekend I’ll be on a .ch demoparty called “Geek Camp 2002”. I hope we’ll see some console demos there 🙂 In case you want to check the Geek Camp page, pleasehere.
A reminder… For all people interested in chatting about freeware roms and legal console development, you are welcome to join EFNET #pdroms 🙂
***ANOTHER REMINDER*** At my sponsor (see banner on the top) you can get still 5$ discount on each order you place with this VOUCHER code: 101121222 🙂 The offer is still valid the whole month.
That’s it… I wish you all a nice weekend.
Heya! After a kind of summer break, I’ve added some features to the site again… However, here we go:
As you may have noticed, you don’t have to use your calculator anymore to know how much roms we’re hosting… it’s much easier now, just look under the system list 😉
The roms list shows a maximum of 50 roms per site now, because with more than a few hundred roms per system, loading the site took pretty long with a 56k modem.
Ok, that’s it so far! If you should notice any bugs in the new routines, please e-mail me at “pancid at pdroms dot de”.