LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Rude Boy Cover (NES Demo)

thefox covered Rihanna’s “Rude Boy” in an 8-Bit NES version!

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PVB Coding Competition 2010 Results (VB misc)

The “Planet Virtual Boy Coding Competition 2010” has come to an end.

The winners are:

1. Hunter by DanB 102 (35%)
2. Capitan Sevilla II by rubengar 49 (17%)
3. Mandelbrot Explorer by Fwirt 33 (11%)
4. Soviet Union 2010 by HorvatM 32 (11%)
5. GoSub 3D by VirtualChris 27 (9%)
6. PongInvaders by usch 25 (9%)
7. Super Bounce by DogP 22 (8%)

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Pong Invaders (VB Game)

Pong Invaders is a mix of Pong and Space Invaders, played at the same time!

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GoSub 3D (01-11-2010) (VB Game)

After getting 32 treasures, Mr. Submarine Commander learns of one big huge giant treasure box! So off he goes in his trusty red submarine (forget all that stuff about everyone living in a yellow one!) in search of the big huge giant megatreasure! But he’ll have to watch out for the usual deadly coral walls, along with a new mean octopus that’s chasing him!

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Mandelbrot Explorer (VB misc)

Mandelbrot Explorer created Mandelbrot fractals on a Virtual Boy console.

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Capitan Sevilla II (Demo) (VB Game)

Capitan Sevilla II is a yet not complete Jump’n’Run game for Virtual Boy.

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Super Bounce (VB Game)

Bounce… Bounce… 🙂

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Hunter v0.9 (VB Game)

Hunter is a remake of the same named game, known from Atari ST and/or Amiga.

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Soviet Union 2010 (VB Game)

Soviet Union 2010 is a little short shooter for Virtual Boy where you have to shoot down US space ships.

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FCEU320 v0.3 (ValdikSS) (NES emu for Dingoo Linux)

FCEU320 is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches.


* added button X to exit the emulator in file browser(exit in menu is not implemented yet)
* GUI is now on the POWER button, not on L
* L is now “load state 9”
* R is now “save state 9”
* updated mappers and boards

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