LvR (Gameboy Advance)

3DS Remote Desktop v2.01 (3DS Application)

3DS Remote Desktop is a remote desktop app for the Nintendo 3DS that allows you to remote control your PC for games, movies, etc. It is still fairly rudimentary, but it works.

Thanks to Nintendomax for the news.

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YACReader v8.5.0.1 (Pandora Application Port)

YACReader is possibly one of the best comic readers and comic managers with support for cbr cbz zip and rar comic files. It can be used as a PDF or image viewer too. It is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, IOS and now OpenPandora.


– Compiled program and libs with QT 5.7.0 from latest Codeblocks beta PND.

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War v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

War by adrian09_01 is a game inspired by Lode Runner and Battle City (especially the Star Wars hack of it). Run through the battlefield, don’t get shot and shoot other enemies. Each hit nets you 50 points, every 10000 points you get an extra life. Try to complete all 8 levels and get a surprise – the peace…?! Music from Battle City.

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Alchemy Quest v0.1 (PICO-8 Game)

Alchemy Quest by usr_share is a PICO-8 game.

Alchemy Quest is a WIP port of the puzzle game OpenAlchemist, which was developed by Guillaume Delhumeau and Antoine Morineau.

The objective of the game is to combine three pieces of the same type together, which merges them into a different piece. As more pieces are unlocked, the falling pieces become more varied and the game becomes more difficult. There is no fall mechanic, which means the player can take their time before deciding where to drop and how to rotate the piece.

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Fireswap v1.01 (PICO-8 Game)

Fireswap by hcnt a matching game inspired by ToA, PAD, 10000000, ymbab, etc…


– no changelog found

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Custom Home Menu Manager 2 (CHMM2) v.2.8 (3DS Application)

CHMM2 is a theme manager for 3DS for custom themes; it works under lpp-3ds and it is completely open source.

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Homebr3w v1.3.0 (3DS Application)

Homebr3w, install or update Homebr3w easily from your 3DS. Now also with QR Code drawing and automatic update check for apps!

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Streets of Rage Remake v0.0.1.4 (Pandora Game Port)

Streets of Rage Remake is a remake of the side-scrolling beat ’em up series “Streets of Rage” originally released by Sega in 1991. Ported and packed for Pandora by milkshake and mcobit.

Release notes:

+new run script that ask for 640×480 or 800×480 (anamorphic) fullscreen, using omapdss SDL renderer.

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Falling Blocks v0.48 (NES Game)

Peter McQuillan brings his ZX Spectrum game Falling Blocks to the NES. It’s currently a work in progress.

Falling Blocks (NES Game)


* Modified the game controls
* Added extra shapes
* Added one of the difficulty factors (random blocks appearing every few turns)
* Tidied up some of the code
* Added most of the high score code (not fully working yet though)

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R.I.P. Curl v1.1 (PICO-8 Game)

R.I.P. Curl by ilkke is a PICO-8 game. Take over the role of a surfer and avoid obstacles falling from the sky or evil sharks trying to hit you.

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