LvR (Gameboy Advance)

JonoF’s Shadow Warrior Port (JFSW) v1.0.0.4 (Pandora Engine Port)

JonoF’s Shadow Warrior Port (JFSW) by JonoF’s is an engine port of the game Shadow Warrior. Shadow Warrior itself is an Ego Shooter developed by 3D Realms Entertainment. The original game data is required and does not come with the download. Ported to Pandora by mcobit.


Run the .pnd once, then copy your original gamedata into /media/YOURSDCARD/pandora/appdata/shadowwarrior/ – Please delete the appdatafolder or at least the .jfsw folder when upgrading.


– fixed wrong colors in movies
– dual nub support
– fixed alignment of sword weapon to mask end of sprite

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DraStic v2.0.0.1 (NDS emu for Pandora)

DraStic by Exophase is a Nintendo DS emulator for Pandora. Its running several NDS homebrew games, but also commercial ones.


– no changelog found

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Pandora Crude Bench v0.1.0.02 (Pandora Application)

Pandora Crude Bench is a bench software split in 3 parts to measure performance.

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PPSSPP v0.8.0.23 (PSP emu for Pandora)

ptitSeb ported PPSSPP to the OpenPandora handheld. PPSSPP is an open source project, licensed under the GPL 2.0 (or later).

PPSSPP is a PSP emulator written in C++, and translates PSP CPU instructions directly into optimized x86, x64 and (soon) ARM machine code, using an efficient JIT compiler. PPSSPP can thus run on quite low-spec hardware, including stronger Android phones and tablets, as long as there’s support for OpenGL ES 2.0.


* Enabled MPEG again. No more crash by adding in the PND a more recent version of libglslcompiler
* Fixed Atrac3+

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QuteCom v2.99.0.2 (Pandora Application Port)

QuteCom is a softphone which allows you to make free PC to PC video and voice calls, and to integrate all your IM contacts in one place.

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R v3.0.1.1 (Pandora Application Port)

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. Ported to Pandora by MarkW.


General Changes
I have re-compiled R as a shared library. This means in theory, adventurous souls could now mount the R.pnd and access R from “outside”. I haven’t tried this directly, but the theory is sound – ish. It obviously works to the extent that the GUI’s are able to access R. Next, I have NOT stripped the binaries on this build – neither will I in future builds. Stripping R is a bit aggressive, and If I strip the binaries (as I did before), errors are not trapped at all; R just segfaults with no extra information – except for the option of a core dump. Leaving the binaries unstripped means errors are generally trapped uncatastrophically and with vaguely useful error messgaes. The package is bigger, but SD cards are cheap 😛 . R.pnd now also installs a single, standard 9×15 X11 bitmap font that is needed by the data.entry() function into the appdatadir. An additional entry is also appended to the fontpath to make the new font available to R. The http daemon is now not disabled by defult since it can be useful in JGR. I have also rolled a copy of jgeiss’s leafpad into this pnd and set it as the default code editor. If you want vi back, let me know – that’s easy 😮

Java Support
Java support has now been included. To make use of Java in R, you MUST used Wizard Stan’s Java runtime pnd (java.pnd V1.2.1.1) – nothing else has been tested. The Java.pnd file must also reside in the same physical location as R.pnd (ie, the same menu, app or desktop directory). A symlink should be honoured to an alternative location if you want to take this approach, although I have not tested this. When you start R, you will be asked whether you want java support for the session. If you intend to use an R package that uses rJava, or has rJava or a java derivative as a dependency, click Yes on the dialogue. java.pnd will then be mounted, and made available to R. A couple of points here. java.pnd will not be exclusively available to R – if you run a java application in the middle of an R session, and exit the java application, java.pnd will be unmounted and R will loose java support. Also, on exit, R.pnd will only unmount java.pnd if it mounted it. So, a little care is required here. I haven’t tried pulling out Java from undermeath R, so I have no idea how it will behave in this scenario but it is unlikely to be pretty.

A full tcl/tk (8.6) environment is now also included. If you stay on the command line interface, you will still get the odd GUI element popping up (its called progress).

Additional Packages
The following additional packages have been installed on request: openNLP, openNLPmodels.en, gsubfn, languageR, zipfR, tm, shiny and the following RCmdr packages are also now pre-installed: RcmdrPlugin.BCA, RcmdrPlugin.coin, RcmdrPlugin.depthTools, RcmdrPlugin.doBy, RcmdrPlugin.DoE, RcmdrPlugin.EBM, RcmdrPlugin.EZR, RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2, RcmdrPlugin.mosaic, RcmdrPlugin.MPAStats, RcmdrPlugin.plotByGroup, RcmdrPlugin.SCDA, RcmdrPlugin.SM, RcmdrPlugin.survival, RcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemos, RcmdrPlugin.temis.

I have also installed JGR and Deducer (and obviously their dependencies). R.pnd also contains the base and recommended packages. Installing further packages can be tricky from the pnd. You will only be able to install packages that contain pre-compiled code or R code, into a designated “library” that you have write access to. Sometimes, packages use of “make” even when they don’t need compiling. These are likely (but are not guaranteed) to fail. If you need a package and can’t get it to install, or need a package that needs pre-compilation (whether it is fortran or C) – shout and I’ll do my best to roll it into the base pnd on the next maintenance release. It is almost impossible for me to test these packages, as they generally do stuff I have no adequate knowledge of. Any warnings or errors generated during package installs I have carried out are shown in package warnings.txt in the root of the pnd. WIth the additional, base and recommended packages, there are now a total of 139 packages insatlled: should be good for starters.

The RCmdr GUI is now included. Load it by issuing the command library(Rcmdr) at the R prompt. Job done. You can set Rcmdr as your default inerface in the usuual way in .Rprofile. I have lifted out the Rcmdr menu strucutre file (Rcmdr-menus.txt) and placed it into the appdata directory. In theory, this should allow some customisation of the Rcmdr interface and menu structure.

This is a Java based GUI. If you want to use it, make sure you answer the initial java support prompt by clicking on Yes. The y-axis of the main window is currently fixed too big for the OP screen. A future release will remedy this. The source code has already been modified, and I am slowly working on re-compiling it. However, although I have the JGR sources, it is necessary to rebuild the project tree – which isn’t publicly available as a complete project. So, I have to poke around to find out which additional classes are required. I don’t have a lot of time for OP stuff right now, so this will be a slowish project. Load the JGR GUI by using the command library(JGR) followed by JGR() at thr R command prompt. The JGR interface is actually quite well built and is very stable – if basic. Until I sort this issue, the JGR main window has to be moved around to gain access to the command area and the menu optoins simultaneously. Once I fix the y-axis window dimension, JGR will probably be the tool of choice for GUI interfaces until I build something more sophisticated. Again, JGR can be loaded by default via the standard .Rprofile file in the appdata directory.

This can be run independetly from JGR, but works better with JGR.

Tk interface
The somewhat dated Tk interface (which shoudln’t be confused with far more capable RCmdr), is loaded by adding the following to the first line of R.start (which should be in you appdata directory):


Known Issues
You will get a locale warning when exiting the data.entry() spreadsheet. I to not think this is significant – its just R being verbose, and warning you that it is operating in C locale mode.

Future Releases
Well, fixing JGR once and for all. I would also like to go back and have another stab at RStudio – which should compile OK, but doesn’t. Sorry, but no, RKward is out, out, out (only slightly biased there). Any feature requests – shout and I will see what I can do.

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Genesis Plus GX v1.7.4 (Multiple emus)

Genesis Plus is a Sega Genesis / Sega Megadrive / Sega Master System emulator for Wii and GameCube. Additionally a very simple SDL port for Win32 is available too. This is a port of Charles MacDonald’s Genesis Plus, with plenty of improvements.


* fixed access to read-only registers on Main-CPU side (“Batman Returns” platform level freeze)
* fixed & improved emulation of PRG-RAM write protection register (“Lunar Eternal Blue” japanese version freeze)
* improved SUB & MAIN-CPU synchronization (“Dracula Unleashed” freeze when using US Model 2 BIOS)
* improved CPU polling detection
* improved CDD emulation & added CD drive access time for SEEK command (“Panic!/Switch” intro missing scene)
* added missing reinitialization of MAIN-CPU PRG-RAM bank on reset
* added .OGG audio tracks support through LIBTREMOR

* fixed YM2612 configurable DAC depth emulation
* improved Low-Pass filter
* added optional “MONO” output mode


* fixed FIFO access timings when using invalid write code value (“Clue” menu)
* fixed DMA Copy with undocumented code value (“Fatal Labyrinth” end sequence)
* minor code fixes & optimizations


* optimized 68k stack read/write functions
* fixed broken 68k address error emulation
* fixed 68k interrupt behavior (prevents interrupts from being executed multiple time when 68k is halted)
* fixed Z80 registers initial state, added proper initialization when using PBC (verified on real hardware by Charles McDonald)


* fixed SRAM incompatibilities between BIG ENDIAN & LITTLE ENDIAN platforms (note: this breaks old .srm files with LITTLE ENDIAN platform ports)
* added support for a few recently dumped unlicensed games
* added auto-detection of byte-swapped ROM files


* fixed CD Leds positioning when using NTSC filter
* improved on-screen CD Leds (thanks to Iceknight)
* various code fixes & improvements

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Game Soundtracks v1.2.0.0 (Pandora Application)

Game Soundtracks by Jon Sneyers makes it very easy to listen to soundtracks of games, which you might have already installed. A pre-installed audio player such as DeaDBeeF or Audiorace is required.

The following 73 games are recognized:

A Midsummer Day’s Resonance, A Winter’s Tale, AAAA, Amoebax, Angry Drunken Dwarves, Aquaria, ASCIIpOrtal, Barbie Seahorse Adventures, Battle For Wesnoth 1.10.x / 1.11.x, Biniax2, Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid, BrainParty, CromoZome, Cube Trains, Digital: A Love Story, don’t take it personally, babe, it just ain’t your story, EarthInvasion, Endgame: Singularity, Exobius0, FLAT, freedroid-1.0.2, Frogatto, Frozen Fruits, Frozen-Bubble, Galactic Artifact, GCompris, Greyout, Gweled, Hex-A-Hop, Hexgem, Hurrican, I Have No Tomatoes, Jump Gunnar Jump, KAMI RETRO, LemmingsSDL, Lolicopocalypse, May Sky, MeAndMyShadow, Meritous, Microbes, Moonshine, Narcissu, NubNub!, PandoraPanic!, Penguin Command, pewpew2, Polly-B-Gone, PopStar, Pushover, Puzzletube, pydance, Race into Space, Rescue, RickyD, Rockbot, Rockdodger, Shunned Survivor, Spacejunk, Sudo Science, Super Geometry Dust, Super Hexagon, SuperTux, SuperTuxKart, Tapan Kaikki Bloodshed, The Devil, Tong, vGolf, Wars: Commando, Widelands, wizznic, Xmoto, Znax, Zoid’s Quest.

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GColor2 v1.0.1.1 (Pandora Application)

GColor2 by MarkW is a simple, standalone colour picking tool.

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EDuke32 v1.0.0.5 (Pandora Game Port)

EDuke32 is a port of the classic 3D Realms game Duke Nukem 3D (or Duke3D for short) to several OS’es. EDuke32 adds many new convenient features and modernizations for casual players and many editing features and scripting extensions for mod authors. Ported to Pandora by mcobit.


Added Mapster32 Mapeditor
Added Lunixbochs LibGL for experimental OpenGL support (expect crashes, glitches etc.)

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