LvR (Gameboy Advance)

New stuff for YOU :o) (misc)

This is the last update for this week, since I’ll visit someone. The problem is that I do not have any internet access there. But I’m sure you are more keen on the following files, instead of reading stupid stuff. Here we go…

Gameboy Advance Additions
Etage97 1st Demo by Etage97
Incredible Ultra Tracks by Etage97
Puissance 4 v1.0 by Etage97

GP 32 Additions
GPDice v0.1 by RinoLone32 by Bee32
GPJewel v0.815 by Valken Lee

Playstation II Addition
PS2 Invaders v1.6 by InPulSe Team

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27th June = 27 new Images :) (GBA misc)

Gameboy Advance Additions
– 3D Cubes by Shaun Southern
– ARM Plasma by AndrewBurch
– Bobble Tris by Bertil
– Boulder Dash Advance v1.0 by Richard Heasman
– Bubble Bobble v0.9a by Thomas Maniero
– Colour Bobble v1.1 by Matthew Eanor
– Defender Advance v1.0 by Richard Heasman
– ECO-Memory by Nils Widmer
– fr018 by Farbrausch
– Fractal Zoomer v1 by Colin Brown
– Fruit Land v1.10 by Arjan Bakker
– Infidelicious by Epilogue Productions
– International 5 Aside Soccer by Dave Thomas
– Juego by mononoque
– Kerniggle v1.0 by Daniel McBride
– l33t Demo by Dooby
– Laser Chess by Russ Prince
– Mystik 3D (Alpha) by Mystik Edge
– Neo Racing Genesis v0.21 by Dan Patri
– Noize by Dizassembla- Sokoban Advanced v1.1 by Richard Heasman
– Sworld3 v3.00 by Shen Mansell
– Tank Zone v1.0 by Consolecoder
– Tetanus On Drugs PR1 by Damian Yerrick
– Tetvis by Uniworse- Uranus by ZoneGN
– Yet Another Puzzle by Dark Fader (MBC)

Thats it for today! Have a nice day all…

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Some GP32 Games (GP32 misc)

Usually I try to update as much as possible. This update is the one for the 26th but I’m allready done with it 🙂 Well I just post it now, even if there are 1 hour and 10 minutes to midnight 🙂

GP 32 Additions
Car Race v1.0 by Pion
Columns v0.02 by Bee32
Columns v0.03 by Bee32
Elite – The Newkind v0.01 by Muaddib
Elite – The Newkind v0.03 by Muaddib
Elite – The Newkind v0.04 by Muaddib
Elite – The Newkind v0.05 by Muaddib

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More new stuff… (misc)

Well new day, new stuff… here we go:

Gameboy Advance Additions
Gelly Monster (Early Alpha) by Qude
Matt Demo 3 Mono by Matt
Matt Demo 3 Stereo by Matt
PocketNES v8 by loopy
Pong Fighter v1.2 by Guyfawkes

GP32 Additions
Wind-ups v0.2 by Karthur

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EFNET #pdroms (misc)

A side note 🙂 Don’t forget to visit us on EFNET #pdroms! Please keep in mind that we only have development or freeware rom talk. Hope to see you there!


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New Additions (misc)

Todays new files are:

Gameboy Advance Additions
Hergs Solitaire v0.4 by Harold Toler
Hergs Yahtzee v0.2 by Harold Toler

Gameboy Color Additions
Distorsion Demo by Anders Granlund (RGBASM fixed by DuoDreamer)

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Maya Mystery v1.1 (GBA Game)

I just came across and saw a brandnew GBA Freeware Game called Maya Mystery! It’s a great game, and I’d recommend you to check it out.

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2 Files removed! (misc)

The first file I had to remove was ‘La PS2’ (PSX2/Demo) because of this e-mail:

Hi i am bigboss of, I see that you have our demo in your web thanks 😉 but we have a problem, La Ps2 TETSUO’s demo is not legal. We have prohibited to this person publish this demo a long time ago, he sent it to ps2dev. and ps2ownz without our authorization (Yogurth and me) we spoke with Z of PS2OWNZ and oobles in ps2dev and they deleted this demo. Please delete the demo. Yogurth coded this demo 1 year ago based in vzzrzzn lib and TETSUO did not make NOTHING!!!!!!!. We don’t want to publish it. Thanks for you help and congratulations for your site

The other file I deleted on request was a GBC/Game.

Beside some file removements, some uploads will follow soon 🙂

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Various and GBA & GP32 Games update! (misc)

Hello everyone!

The first feedbacks so far are really great, and thanks to the ppl who wished me a happy birthday 🙂

Some of you might had problems when using Opera or Netscape, we are working on that problem (Thanks to Simon B for the information). IE and Mozilla should work fine! The additions for today are:

Gameboy Advance Additions
Asteroids GBA by Russ Prince
Astrohawk Advance 28-04-2002 by Paul Lay
Brain N Bells v0.1a by Bruno Vedder
Brain N Bells v0.2b by Bruno Vedder
Brain N Bells v0.3b by Bruno Vedder
Brain N Bells v0.4b by Bruno Vedder
Brain N Bells v0.5b by Bruno Vedder
Brain N Bells v0.6b by Bruno Vedder
Diamond Mine v0.1 by Johnny North
Anarkoid v1.0 by Oscar BraindeaD
Berzerk v1.0 by Oscar BraindeaD

GP32 Additions
GPJewel v0.5 by Valken Lee
GPJewel v0.666 by Valken Lee
GPJewel v0.777 by Valken Lee

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PDROMS relaunched! Welcome! (misc)

Dear Ladies! Dear Gentlemen! 🙂

Most of you might remember that my page (pdroms, aka Kojote’s Homepage) closed down on the 4th December2001. Now I’m proud to announce that pdroms is back today, on the 20th June 2002 (which is also my 22nd birthday 🙂 !

Pdroms still contains only legal images (Freeware) for various systems, such as Gameboy Color&Advance, Wonderswan Color, Playstation, Genesis, Master System, etc… Up to the 4th December I also had computer demos and freeware (Atari ST, Amiga, C64, …), but in my opinion they are still very well supported trough other pages, so I left them out.

During the last weeks, and with the help of a few people, it was possible to re-launch the page. On this place I’d like to say “Welcome & Thank you ” to “Pancid”! He is the new guy here at pdroms, and responsible for the PHP coding only. He did great work, and the scripts will still improve in the future.

Other people who helped with feedback or suggestions were (in no order) Duo, Gollum, fr4nz, Meij, Dox, Clem, Peitschi, Guyfawkes, Space Commader, MK2k, Somnium, Operator, Sjaak, Ph0x, Lai, EmuManiac and everyone I forgot (shame one me :).

The facts so far:
– 745 Images online! (some with picture)
– PHP & SQL inside 🙂
– less colours, I still remember people complained about my design 🙂

Enough written for now! Enjoy the offer, and dont forget to visit EFNET #pdroms from time to time 🙂


[Update 12:00 CEST]
DuoDreamer has released a re-launch GBC intro for PDroms 🙂Click here to Download!!!Thanks man! 🙂

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