FBI is an open source file and title manager by Steveice10 for the Nintendo 3DS.
* Add warning when opening the NAND.
* Decrease buffer size of transfers over HTTP. Should help with speed.
* Display transfer speed in copy operations.
* Enable N3DS speed-up.
* Revise remote installation into a list of methods for receiving URLs.
– “Receive URLs over the network” – Listens on port 5000 for a length followed by a list of URLs, separated by new-line characters. Installs from the provided list of URLs, and sends a confirmation byte back when the installation has completed.
– “Scan QR Code” – Turns on the camera and scans for QR codes.
– “Manually enter URLs” – Opens up the software keyboard for manually typing URLs, separated by new-line characters.
– “Repeat last request” – Repeats the last set of URLs used in an installation request.
– “Forget last request” – Forgets the last set of URLs used in an installation request.
* servefiles: Adapt to “Receive URLs over the network” method of remote installation. Now only requires Python and no additional dependencies. Run with “python (ip) (file/directory)”.
Added Dec 26, 2016, Under:
Pico Factory by caranha is a game with a small twist on the “factory” genre, you have a limited time to play, and must make as much money as possible in that time. What is the optimal build order?
v1.3 — Rebalanced costs, added two new items, added overwriting
Bored? Need something to read? Maybe even free? What about the latest REV’n’GE? Issue #69 is out!
Mine Dig is a new Atari VCS game by mojofltr. Dig down into the ground to collect diamonds and rescue trapped miners. Avoid buried mines with the aide of your mine sensor.
Mountain King updated his new WIP Atari VCS game The Gizzle Wap and the Great Blizzard.

It’s the holidays in Sundra. A great blizzard hit the land suddenly trapping anyone that was unfortunate enough to be caught outside. You play as the Gizzle Wap and the Moum Moum searching the land for survivors. Move the Gizzle Wap left and right and press up to jump. The Moum Moum will follow. Press the fire button to dig in the snow to search.
Listen closely to the Moum Moum. He has a better sense of where a creature might be buried. Dig where he sings. You may have to scan an area more than once to find something. He will not sing if he is standing on the Gizzle Wap or if he is too high in the sky.
1. Added 2 endings
a. When the Gizzle Wap dies he will be carried off by the Moum Moum. Added death animation.
b. When the Moum Moum dies the Gizzle Wap will drag him off the screen. The Gizzle Wap will be sad.
2. Game Over appears at the end.
3. The Sun will turn into a moon at night.
4. If the moon gets to the end of the screen the temperature will become too low and fatal damage will be applied, triggering one of the two endings.
5. Holes now get filled gradually to appear that the snow fills the holes.
Little Jumping Car is a little car driving game by Gemini Software Studio with a special twist. High above the ocean there are over 250 secret manic stunt tracks. While clock is ticking, take your little blue jumping car and win them all.

– Even more performance improvements 🙂
Maze Game HD is an Android game by GeagleDev. It’s a 3D Maze game, where you need to look for the sister ball!
Sijmen Schouten and Marc Jaschusch released their Atari VCS homebrew game Defend your Castle to the public! As the name suggests, defend your castle before it gets broken into pieces by your enemy. The game is free of charge for personal use.
HO HO Ride is an Android game by ThrillaBit Studio. Just do, what Santa would do 🙂
glutock prepares his NESdev Compo 2016 entry Twin Dragons. Graphics are provided by Surt and MadMarcel. The game itself is an horizontal side-scrolling platformer. Follow the web board at NintendoAge to stay on top or news (or read PDRoms).