PSP Power Saver v0.1.0 (PSP Application)

PSP Power Saver turns off the UMD driver when you are not using it. This should save you about 5% of your battery power.


-Minor Bugfix

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DsKiosk v1.12 (NDS Application)

DsKiosk is a little manager application to run your homebrews simple and elegant without any hassle.

Thanks to and for the news.

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Ristrodent v0.2.2 (NDS Game)

Ristrodent is a labyrinth/dungeo/RPG style game for Nintendo DS.

Don’t forget your french dictionary if you want to play it 🙂

Thanks to and for the news.

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Atoms v0.5 (NDS Game)

Each player takes it in turns to place an atom on the grid. Players can place additional atoms onto their own atoms.

If too many atoms are place on the same tile the atom goes critical and will explode and place additional atoms. When the atom goes critical it will send additional atoms horizontally and vertically away from it. If this atom lands on a square that has another atom on it, it will add to that atom. Also if the atom is another players it will be taken over by the atom that went critical.


Play order is randomised.
Play order is shown at top of screen.
Game can now be paused.
Game can be quit from pause screen.

Thanks to for the news.

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Wee Basic v0.8 (NDS Application)

Wee Basic is a BASIC interpreter for the NDS got an update after more than half a year – programming and debugging are performed directly on the DS.

Wee Basic now allows the use of sprites and backgrounds so you can try your hand with real Nintendo DS games using simple BASIC.

Thanks to for the news.

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Deflektor (07-06-2009) (NDS Game)

Deflektor is a remake of Deflektor, an old Amiga puzzle game.

The aim is to rotate the mirrors to reflect the laser beam from the source to blow up all the triggers and then enter the target. Rotate the mirrors by tapping on them and then dragging to align the mirror at a particular angle. You start with an amount of energy which is constantly declining (the green bar). Directing the beam into a spike or reflecting the beam back to the source will cause it to overload (represented by the red bar). If the source is overloaded too much or if you run out of energy, you lose a life. There are also rotating blocks which only allow the beam to pass at a certain angle (), teleports which work in pairs, and blocks which randomize the beam direction. In addition, in some levels there are gremlins which roam about the board and mess with your stuff. You can get rid of them by tapping on them repeatedly.

Thanks to for the news.

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Booboo Dingoo Linux Dual Boot News (Dingoo misc)

Booboo made another major step with the “Dual Boot” option for native Dingoo Firmware and the alternative external Linux.

Please jump over to Dingoo-Scene for details.

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Dingoo Chat on IRC (Dingoo misc)

flatmush has made an IRC channel on, called #dingoo-a320 – Everyone is welcome to come and chat Dingoo, or ask programming questions!

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vifm (14-06-2009) (Dingoo Linux Application Port)

ainu ported vifm, a GUI file manager over to Dingoo Linux.

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unRAR on Wiz (Wiz Application)

Ghanji gave us a possibility to unRAR archives directly on the Wiz. Follow the link below for instructions.

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