PSP Filer v5.0 (PSP Application)

PSP Filer a file explorer with few extras has been updated.


– added Greek mode.
– fixed a bug that Filer was crashed when it opened some kind of RAR file (probably having a comment).
– fixed a bug that a zipped file made by Mac OS could not be accessed.

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Vexed v1.9.7.385 (PPC Game Port)

palmhook has updated his port of Vexed for PPC’s. Now there is a new build with VGA support. You may check out for more information on Vexed itself.

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Nicky II PSP (PSP Game Port)

The sequel to Nicky Boom; this time Nicky must find out who has been removing ladders and blocking off caves in his homeland. The gameplay is essentially platform, with multi-directional maze-like levels. Beating the obstructions requires occasional brainwork – hidden ladders are easy enough to uncover, and there are lots of hidden sections to look for. The levels are colourful, and the game has a cute look making it appear suited to younger players. Mirrors are placed around the levels, which transport you to a random place.

Although, save-game / level codes are currently not implemented, there are “secret” button combos, which enable a player to jump to next level and get bombs as well as other goodies.

The game will only work on custom PSP 3.XX firmwares.

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GPfrontier v0.3 (GP2x Game)

JoJo_ReloadeD has udpated GPfrontier, which is an Elite 2 “port” for GP2x.

Release notes:

Hi, I’ve released my last version of my Elite 2: Frontier port for the gp2x. This will be my last version, since I don’t have a F200 to simulate the mouse. I’ve released the code so anybody can do this.


– Several optimizations

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CSDEVCTRL v3.0 (Beta) (PPC Application)


Hi all,
this is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking.

It can be considered as an add-on to other programs which provide the User Interface and also an ‘In Call Locker’.

It can be activated at the following events:
1. After a specified period of idle time (no tapping or touching the keyboard).
2. After the device has waken up.
3. During a call (“In-Call Locking” Partial or Full).

Also for any of the first 2 events (idle or wake up) the program can run a specified executable/registered file together with any command line arguments that might be required.

The behavior of this program is driven by the next key/values:

> Key

> Values

– LockWhileOnExternalPwr=0 or 1 (Default is 0)
If set to 1 it will try to apply the lock even while running on external power.

– LockAfterWake=0 or 1 (Default is 1)
If set to 1 it will try to apply the lock after the device has waken (not soft reset).

– LockAfterIdleSeconds=xxx (Default is 45)
xxx are in seconds the inactivity timeout before a lock is applied (not during call).

– LockDuringCall=0 or 1 (“In-Call Locking” Partial or Full). (Default is 0)
If set to 1 it will try to apply the lock. The first time the call is initiated the locked will be instant.
This lock is partial and still allows for the keys of the phone to be used (Usuall case of windows lock).
The user is given the chance to unlock while the call is taking place.
After unlocking, the program will use the parameter
–LockAfterIdleSecondsInCall=xxx (Default is 10)
where xxx is the second to reply the lock while the call is still on.

Also while having LockDuringCall=1, if the next parameter:
–LockDeviceDuringCall=0 or 1 (Default is 0)
is set to 1, then the lock is a Full lock and the device should not react in any keystroke.

– DelayBeforeLockMsAfterWake=250 (Default is 250)
Time in ms to wait before applying the lock from wake and running any program (no need to change).

– DelayBeforeLockMs=250 (Default is 250)
Time in ms to wait before applying the lock from dim and running any program (no need to change)

– ShowTodayAfterLock=0 or 1 (Default is 1)

If set to 1 it will bring the Windows Today Screen after applying the user selected lock.

— AfterTodayRunFilePath=XXX (Default is blank)
XXX (if not left blank) it can be an executable/registed file which will be run after the lock and the Today focus
— AfterTodayRunFileParm=XXX
XXX (if not left blank) they are the command line arguments of the previous option.
— LockAndBackAfterToday=0 or 1 (Default is blank)
If set to 1, after unlocking the Today screen will be hidden so that the rest of the windows are visible.

If set to 0 then the next values will be used

— AfterLockRunFilePath=XXX (Default is blank)
XXX (if not left blank) it can be an executable/registed file which will be run after the lock.
— AfterLockRunFileParm=XXX (Default is blank)
XXX (if not left blank) they are the command line arguments of the previous option.

>>>>> If you change any of the parameters the program will need to be restarted (Re-run it as mentioned further on).

To install it:
> copy the csdevctrl.exe to a folder

To run it:
> Simply run it and it will spawn at the background as another process.

To stop it:
> Running the program second time will cause the program to exit (It will show a confirmation window which will close in 3 seconds unless you close it sooner).

To uninstall it:
> Close the process as usual (run it again or kill the process) and delete the file.
> Also delete the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareCSDevCtrl

As a note, do not rename the csdevctrl.exe as the uninstall depends on this name.

It has been compiled for WM5 so it should run on both WM5/WM6 (i am using a Kaiser with WM6.1)


v.3.0 is still on beta any comments etc are welcomed.

08/05 – v3.0(Beta) – Implemented timeout and In-call support-Removed bluetooth.
03/05 – v2.5 – Added option to lock only if bluetooth is on after wake
01/05 – v2.4 – Default Registry entries are created with the initial run of the program.
27/04 – v2.3 – Added option to wait before locking after dim. Gives user time to re-act.
26/04 – v2.2 – Using registry for all available options.

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Hokuto No Ken (08-05-2008) (PSP Lua Game)

Move Ken using directions to punch ennemies.

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Aguna (Bugfix Release) (GBA Game)

According to Nathan Tolbert, coder of the homebrew GBA RPG “Aguna”, there was a minor bugfix recently.

Quote from //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=452 :

By the way, I just reposted the rom with a minor bug fix, so if you happen to end up hosting a copy of the file, make sure you get the latest.

Anguna is an older-style adventure game, which encourages exploration, and doesn’t hold your hand and tell you where to go at every step of the way.

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PSPlorer v1.4 (PSP Application)

PSPlorer is file explorer with some additional functions.


– UMD backup in CSO format
– file conversion from iso to cso
– Directory transfert in ADHOC mode
– file and directory properties change ( access right, creation/update/access dates) ( WELL it’s not really new it was present in the HB but not in the doc)
– 1 bug correction in the default value of the OSK virtual keyboard. The effect of the bug was that sometimes strange extra char could be seen in the default value.

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Mario Eater (PSP Lua Game)

Move the flower to eat falling Mario. There are three levels. Reach a 100 points score to reach the following levels.

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Resonate v0.45 (PSP Game)

Resonate is a fast paced undersea rail shooter. Your goal is to evolve into a thresher shark and become king of the ocean. On normal difficulty the player starts as a Sea Urchin (level 2). Hit the blue striped targets to collect evolution up. Collect eight and move up a level to Sea Horse (level 3). Miss a target that collides with you and move down to Zooplankton (level 1). If you’re hit too many times, the adventure ends and you need to try again.


– five hero forms: Zooplankton, Sea Urchin, Seahorse, Stingray, Thresher Shark
– high score tracking for each game
– enemies in various attack formations
– three kinds of power ups
– level editor for Windows, Linux or MacOS based on fltk and OpenGL


– added high score upload/internet ranking
– added new XMB background picture
– added new XMB song from DimensionT
– fixed some crash bugs in the level editor
– filled in some user levels with enemies
– updated credits to list some missed people
– windows level editor included in distro
– level editor includes preview of enemies on screen

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