PuzzleManiak is a port of the marvelous Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection on Nintendo DS. All 27 games are ported on NDS: Tents, Dominosa, Mines, Bridges, Light Up (aka Akari), Pattern (aka Picross), Net (aka Netwalk), Untangle (aka Planarity), Sudoku (aka Solo), Galaxies, Slitherlink (aka Loopy), Blackbox, Mastermind (aka Guess), Map, Filling, Solitaire (aka Pegs), Sixteen, Fifteen, Slant, Rectangles, Netslide, Samegame, Unequal, Flip, Inertia, Twiddle and Pyramid (adaptation of Cube).
Release notes:
Here is the time of the version 3.2 beta 1.
This version has been tested on emulator only, as I don’t have a Nintendo DS anymore…
A memory bug has been fixed, so swapping profile should not crash anymore. Background musics and sound effects have been added. Hope you’ll enjoy it! Any feedbacks would be really appreciated.
If this version is stable (you’ve to tell me that), it would become the official 3.2.
This rar file contains only the new executable files. If you’re new to PuzzleManiak, you should download the version 3.1. Then you can upgrade to version 3.2 beta 1…
Added Nov 22, 2007, Under:
ZodTTD has updated his marvellous GBA emulator gpSPhone for iPhone. Thanks to ZodTTD himself for the news, this one is pretty much a zero second news 😉
– Fixed a memory leak causing crashes when loading roms in the middle of a game.
– Fixed suspend/resume mode. Make sure it’s enabled in preferences/settings when upgrading.
– Improved dynarec performance by adding more staticly allocated registers.
You need to be registered with ZodTTD’s webboard, to obtain a copy of gpSPhone. Registration itself is free.
Added Nov 22, 2007, Under:
Guyfawkes is about to port his own game “Yahtzee” from GP32 to GP2x. Expect a huge improvement in the currently available GP2x release (v1.1) soon… and here is a teaser screenshot:
Feedback can be left here:
SeikoTheWiz has pulled the plug and now it’s here Dota DS. This RPG style game can now be downloaded from it’s release thread.
Nano Man is supposed to become a scrolling platformer 32k superchip A2600 game and has been updated with a test release.
Added Nov 22, 2007, Under:
Just tap on the screen and see how taps are handled and strokes are calculated into bezier control points. This application serves no other purpose that to show the touch screen’s diagnostics.
Ruben Nunez has just built a new way of writing text of variable or fixed width in this new engine. It may not be THE fastest but it gets the job done nicely and includes source.
Thanks to for that one as well.
Kay Hornig has released a chess game for GBA.
Here are his release notes:
After a while developing I’m proud to present my first public project called chessyka.
It is a chessgame. The main goal was not to made the next award winning chessgame. I just wanted to learn developing for the gba and I learn better if there is a real application as a playground.
Now this is the result of my study.
The AI use alpha-beta-search, 0x88 and bitfield representation of the board, hashing with zobrist keys and moveordering. There is an opening book included, but currently this is only a proof of concept and contain only some minor variants of the french defense. A special feature is the possibility to enter a custom position. Although there is only a very simple check for plausibility!
chessyka is aware of all chess rules, including “en passant”, castle, 50-moves-draw and 3x-repetition-draw.
Currently only the english language and basic undo of moves are activated. The multilanguage menu (english, german and espanol) and the advanced undo/redo feature are disabled.
There are some missing features e.g.: permanent brain, search depth extensions and an opening book which is worth the name. If I find the time and motivation I will try to add more of them.
I suggest the level 4 for the AI. Lower is probably to weak and higher needs to much time. A level is a combination of time and search depth. On level 4 chessyka will search at depth 4 (plys) but uses at maximum 2 minutes per ply (average). Which means it will use a part of the spared time from previous moves (e.g. from using the openening book). On level 5 it use 3 minutes per ply average. If you can afford this, it is obvious better.
Maybe later I also present the sourcecode, but not at the moment. chessyka was completely developed by myself. The same applies to the artwork. Only the charset was borrowed from with his kind permission.
For developing I used the DevkitPro toolchain, the tonclib and “Visual Studio 2003 standard” as an editor.
I want to thank the whole gba homebrew community. Especially I want to thank (in no particular order) Tepples, Cearn and Wintermute!
chessyka was succesfull tested with no$gba (thanks to Martin Korth), “VisualBoy Advance” and of course on real devices: GBASP and NDS lite. For the real devices I used the “EZF advance”, GBAMP v2 CF and Supercard mini SD.
!! Attention !!
chessyka is for evaluation purposes only! Use it at your own risk. There is no warranty, expressed or implied. I’m not responsible for any damage as a result of the usage of chessyka. You are allowed to use and copy the game only in a private environment. You are not allowed to use it on commercial base! With the download you accept this terms of use!
Thanks to for the news.
Added Nov 22, 2007, Under:
Tyrian is a computer game developed by Eclipse Productions (later named World Tree Games) and published in 1995 by Epic MegaGames.
The game was officially released as freeware in 2004, and the graphics have been made available under an open license in April 2007.
More Information here:
Now it turned up into Open Tyrian, since it’s been re-implemented to use SDL (check project here: )
Kalimerou ported the engine to the GP2x, but you still need the original game files.,0,0,0,30,2394
You play either single player or with a friend.
You must make it from 8:00pm to 5:00am
Stay intoxicated!!! (Your meter will always be dropping, replenish it by buying more alcahol.)
Don’t get beatup! (It really hurts, plus it drains your intoxication meter.)
When you gotta go, you gotta go, but drinking too much too fast makes it happen quicker!
Weapons are good.
No ammo for your gun is bad.
If you are in multiplayer mode, as long as both players don’t get arrested, you can bond out of jail.
Move – Left control stick.
Punch – A button.
Stab – X button.
Shoot – B button.
Gernade – Left shoulder button.
Pee – A button. (at top of screen)
Exit – Back button. (at main menu)
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