PocketSNES v6.3 (SNES emu for GP2x-F200)

HeadOverHeels modified Reesy’s PocketSNES.


– Sound frequencies have been changed (8250,16500) to make GP2X F200 compatible.NO more hangs in F200 with sound frequencies.
– 256×240 games resolution problem have been fixed.Super Mario World PAL for instance.
– I have compiled a version where i have changed SPC700 ASM (Notaz) to C. This new C version is more compatible (Terranigma sound now works) and speed diference is minimun.
– Some changes i don’t remember

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Space Storm v1.0 (GP2x Game)

Here comes a GL-Basic project, compiled for GP2x, by Achim called “Space Storm”.

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Custom Firmware Extender v1.9.2 (PSP misc)

Here comes an updated version of CFE…


– Fixed a stupid bug with nethost in cfe_vsh that was causing to always connect to the computer ip address “”.

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Pegs (PSP Game)

This a Texas Instrument’s calculator game Pegs for PSP with authentic graphics feeling, converted to by Judas.

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PReSS v0.1 (PSP Application)

PReSS stands for Portable RSS. And that’s just what it is: an RSS reader for the Playstation Portable.

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GoSub2 (Build 51) (A2600 Game)

GoSub2, the successor for GoSub has been updated… Build 51 is out!

Release notes:

Well, I’m up to 19 levels, the # that the original GoSub had, but with 32k, I’ll be putting way more. One thing concerns me, though. Bank 4 has 1,887 bytes left even though it has 20 playfield commands in it. How is that right? And bank 8 only has 2,079 bytes left instead of 3,796. Is that due to the Superchip, or is it weird? Well, anyway, to play the mazes, use the level select code (fire + right to choose a level). Levels 16-19 are the newest ones.

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Cave In (RC 3) (A2600 Game)

Atarius Maximus has released the third release client of his game “Cave In”, which previously made it in the news as “Adventure Game”. The game is pretty complete.

Release notes:

Edit: I fixed a bug in the RC3 release and reposted the bin. Note: Instead of pushing fire on the level select screen to start the game, push right on the joystick. This was necessary because a fire button push on the titlescreen also registered as a fire button push on the level select screen, automatically starting game 1. I’m not sure how to get around that problem just yet.

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PSPZX81 v1.1.0 (ZX81 emu for PSP)

PSPZX81 is a Sinclair ZX81 emulator for PSP.


– IR keyboard support !
– Now compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim
– New graphics
– Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
– New render mode (fit height and fit) using GPU
– New psp clock option (it can now run at 133 Mhz)
– New speed limiter function
– Add option to display fps rate
– Add a simple intro splash screen
– Emulator menus reorganisation (new menu for settings)
– Add help menu
– Add keyboard change skin option
(you can add your own virtual keyboard images in the graphics directory).
– Multiple keyboard mapping feature (Thanks to Pou-chan)
You can now toggle between three differents keyboard mapping using
L/R Trigger keys
– Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when
L or R are pressed
– Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions
(might be useful to translate menus in german, french …)
– Bug fix in program file requester

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DSOrganize v3.1 (NDS Application)

DSOrganize is meant as a homebrew organizer application for the Nintendo DS that should have come built in in the first place. It is by no means comparible to a full-fledged organizer such as a palm, and it is not planned to become an operating system, video player, or anything similar.


Added support for attachment style downloads (usually download.php style).
Added deflate and gzip encoding support to web browser.
Added letter view mode to the picture viewer.
Added optional click noise to keyboards.
Added many more special character tags like è etc to web browser.
Changed large font to Arial 13 from Century 16 to be more consistent.
Fixed download filenames being badly named when longer filenames were downloaded beforehand.
Fixed “Removing invalid lfn entry” error in FAT after deleting a file.
Fixed “Invalid file size on entry” error in FAT after creating a new empty file.
Fixed “Errors in . and/or .. corrected” error in FAT after creating new directory in root.
Fixed files randomly not being created and “directories after end” error in FAT.
Fixed seek bar not updating while paused.
Fixed text boxes getting the generic text color instead of the textbox text color.
Removed plugin architecture and resources file. Were causing too much trouble with no real benefit.

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JPong v0.7 (PSP Game)

Jaklub released JPong, which is a Pong remake. You control your paddle with D-pad (first player) or triangle and cross (second player). It contains music, sounds, 1player and 2player modes, pause, map selecting, etc.

Changes in v0.7:

– some changes in eboot presentation
– 2 new obstacle modes
– new bgs
– new effects in menu
– selecting racket and ball look
– stupid normal bot for small babies, play on difficult

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