Alex the Allegator 4 v0.9 (GP2x Game Port)

Alex the Allegator 4 is a pure jump’n’run, just like the old classic platform games. Guide Alex through the jungle in order to save his girlfriend Lola from evil humans who want to make a bag of her.

The game is not very big, but it holds a few surprises. It runs in a very low resolution with only four colors and will not provide you with any real time video or 3D effects.

Please note that this is in no way an official build from Free Lunch
Design. Modified source code (required by GPL) is included in the archive.,0,0,0,35,2285

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Ultimate Flash Operation v4.0 Beta (PSP Application)

Ultimate Flash Operation is a flasher for PSP, cfw 3.30/3.40 OE-A, IE-A, LE-A, with many features.

UFO v4.0 Features:

–3.52 M33 support
–All menus redone
–All previously found bugs fixed + more
–strengthened security (if bad flash, then it reflashes original file)
–Fixed file browsing functions to work correctly (runs lua files and views pics)
–Still very much noob friendly
–LOLstation is now working flawlessly on 3.30/3.40 OE-A
–More to come real soon

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fMSX-PSP v3.3.2 (MSX emu for PSP)

fMSX-PSP is a MSX emulator for PlayStation Portable.


– 60% increase in rendering speed–MSX2 titles run at 100% speed at 222MHz
– Fixed buffer overflow error affecting units without a battery (thanks to Alpha Beta for tracking it down)

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ColEm-PSP v2.2.2 (ColecoVision emu for PSP)

ColEm-PSP is a ColecoVision emulator for PlayStation Portable.


– Fixed buffer overflow error affecting units without a battery

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gbaMouse (GBA misc)

Author release notes:

I’ve spend some time the last couple of days trying to devise a way to get a sort of mouse working on the gba using the gbaccelerometer. Here is what i have come up with so far. I created some sort of library called gbamouse.
It reads the values from the gbaccelerometer and provides these as acceleration on the axis, rotation around the axis, angle between rotated xy,yz,zy planes and the corresponding untransformed planes.
Unlike a sort of joystick, a tilting of the gba from the original position doesn’t represent movement of the mouse, but an absolution position that is relative to the original position (i.e. calibration)

I provided a little example to show the settings. One can browse through them with the dpad. It also shows the values the mouse object reads. One can turn that off to see the mouse running at ‘normal’ speed. So far everything is programmed using floats (and pretty fugly), because this is a proof of concept.

I hope that people test this and give feedback, and their favorite settings.
I hope that eventually people will port some old dos game or so (that is if they havent all moved to the DS yet).

(ps:)The settings are:
source of mouse x and y values – either axis angle, plane angle or values directly from accelerometer
x/y sensitivity – the higher the value, the farther the mouse will go on tilt
x/y mouse lag – its a sort of filter to avoid small jumps; it represents how much the difference between old mouse position and new measured mouse position is to be multiplied by to get the new actual mouse position
one can associate a button (or more) with the mouse, for movement and calibration (in the example i used both shoulders and select)
calibration – calibration on pressing mouse, releasing mouse, no calibration
center on calibration – either center the mouse on calibration, or keep it where it is
when to move – move or not on button press, move or not on not button press

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DSFile v0.5 (NDS Application)

calcprogrammer1 has updated his file browser for NDS.


DSFile v0.5 is out! It now supports copying files and deleting files, as well as browsing. The controls for copy, paste, and delete are located on the menu bar of the bottom screen. When deleting it will ask press A to delete, B to cancel.

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Colors v1.04 (NDS Application)

Colors! is a simplistic digital painting application for Nintendo DS that is inspired by painting-techniques using Wacom boards in Photoshop or Painter.

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DSFile v0.01 (NDS Application)

calcprogrammer1 started to work on a file browser that would support both slot-1 and slot-2 at the same time. Though it isn’t much, it can browse both slots (click the GBA or DS icons to switch slots). It can only be patched with one DLDI though (as all programs using libfat), so the SLOT2 device must be natively supported (GBAMP CF is what I have) and the SLOT1 device must have the DLDI patch.

Thanks to for the news.

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RoadBlocks (PSP Game)

Auraomega has released a new PSP game to the public. Its sort of based on the ice puzzles in Pokemon. This is a work in progress release, so it only has 10 levels of mixed difficulty.

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Modo (PSP Application)

Modo is a simple MOD player powered by libmikmod. It plays 669, IT, MED, MOD, MTM, S3M, STM and XM module formats.

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