jEnesisDS v0.4 (Genesis emu for NDS)

Megadrive/Genesis games on the Nintendo DS? jEnesisDS makes it possible.

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Hanagechu2x (GP2x Game)

You are purple man. Anyway, please collect flowers. However, it is not necessary to be caught by a blue man. Please use the digging, the ladder, the wire, and the elevator well.

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Glouton (GBAX 2007 Edition) (GP2x Game)

It’s a snake … eat all bubbles 🙂 This game work at 50MHz (68FPS). The sound is in 16Bits stereo at 22100Hz. All gfx are in 24Bits converted in 16Bits. And it work perfectly on TV.

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Game Editor (GP2x misc)

Game Editor a game creation tool for GP2X. With this software you can create the game in a Windows box and export to the GP2X.

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Floaters (GP2x Game)

Floaters is a small arcade minigame, where you have to kill little floaters with your tail.

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Flesh Chasmer I – The Eve (GP2x Game)

FleshChasmer(GP2X original). Console-style 3D Action-RPG. Just for GP2X.

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flAstro (PSP Game)

This is a polished astro lander game, where the objective is to land your spacecraft as quickly and gently as possible and avoiding damage. It features: Load/Save games, HiScores, Unlocks, In-Game Instructions, and much more.

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Fishball v1.0 (GP2x Game)

Much like the Dali Lama, (which literally translates to, “ocean guru”), every so often a fish is spawned of great leadership with much wisdom and skills far above the rest and immediately recognized by all, in this game you are that fish. As you get close enough to the other fish they recognize you and turn from blue to yellow and begin to follow you and keep up as best they can. It is up to you to guide them to safety from the hungry orcas that keep appearing every 25 clicks on the clock craving yellow fish. The round ends when you are eaten or have greater ball shrinkage than ball swelling. You may then either re-spawn or hit any button for top score and exit. Final score is your balls apex minus a quarter of the carnage.

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F341 (GP2x Demo)

This is Markus Trenkwalder’s first demo ever! It shows what his small rasterizer/renderer can do. The demo features point and line rendering, gouraud shading, lighting, texture and environment mapping and additive blending. The demo also runs on Windows so you don’t need a GP2X to watch. For more details read the Readme.txt file.

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Escapa (GP2x Game)

The aim of the game is control the red square to avoid the blue squares which bounce around the screen.

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