Death Trap v1.0 (GP2x Game)

Navigate your tank through a massive maze, earning big points and avoiding the aggressor.,0,0,0,9,2155

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Final Fantasy Battle (Bugfix-Version) (NDS Game)

hewenxie seems to have released an updated version of his battle game “Final Fantasy Battle”.

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Superpaf v1.0 (GP2x Fenix Game)

Amaka Soft have released a new game for the GP2x. This is a Pang style game.

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BugWars SE v1.0 (GP2x Fenix Game)

Amaka Soft have released a new game for the GP2x.

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SFCave (GBA Game)

You try to fly down a narrowing tunnel. Pressing any button makes you rise, doing nothing makes you fall. The game is almost finished but does not have a title screen or highscore list yet.

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Voxelworm (GBA Techdemo)

Dag Agren released a one effect demo, showing a voxel effect.

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Wizard of Wor WIP (A2600 Game)

johnnywc is working on an Atari 2600 version/remake of Wizard of Wor (Arcade version). The author hopes to have a public demo out soon.

This are work in progress news, there is not download yet.

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Gosub (24-04-2007) (A2600 Game)

atari2600land has updated his game Gosub. This version should fix the known B&W problem.

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Interview with Bodom-Child (NDS misc)

Mollusk conducted an interview with Bodom-Child, author of the NDS homebre games Aztec Challenge and Acromage. The interview is in french language.

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Open Playstation 3 RSX Petition (PS3 misc)

A petition has started, which might be of interest for Playstation 3 users:

We, Playstation 3 users, ask Sony to allow the use of the RSX trough Other OS.

Right now because of the PS3 firmware limitation we can’t…
– Easily watch movies in various formats
– Correctly use 2D applications
– Friendly run lite 3D applications

Useless when it comes to fight against piracy, this limitation is a trouble for honest users but not for pirates: it makes operating systems as Linux not interesting enough and this fabulous project of Other Os on PS3 seems to drown. A huge number of disappointed comments in many forums are proving this.

Dear Sony, you made us dream, please now don’t leave us alone with lost hopes.


The Undersigned

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