ONScripter (31-01-2006) (PSP Application)

ONScripter by Mr. Shiikuru allows you to play NScript visual novel games on the PSP.

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PMPMOD M4.02g3 v1.02 (PSP Application)

This is another mod of johnnys PMP mod. This one by miemt11 has the following changes:

  • now you can delete any pmp file within the PMPMOD player (I always want this feature)
  • automatic refresh your file list when any pmp video delete

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    PointyRemote v0.000015a (NDS Application)

    Pointy Remote is a VNC like homebrew program for the Nintendo DS.

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    RIN (Homer) v1.2.01 (GB/C emu for PSP)

    Homer has released a modification of RIN with different and better features than the original.

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    GBA Emulator v0.01 (GBA emu for PSP)

    Read the thread below for more information and download:

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    KETM v0.6 (PSP Game Port)

    Image provided by: has updated his port of the shooter KETM.

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    ZorBlocks (Final) (PSP Game)

    Image provided by: ZordakZordak has released a last and probably final version of his game ZorBlocks.

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    GP2Xpectrum v1.1 (Spectrum emu for GP2x)

    Hermes/PS2R has updated his Spectrum emulator for the GP2x. It already comes with a lot of features and runs at 133mhz.

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    DeathChase v0.1b (GP2x Game Port)

    BNrXYZ has updated his port of DeathChase.,0,0,0,3,1230

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    Airstrike v0.02 (PSP Game)

    Image provided by: SmerityAirstrike is a clone + new features of a Missile Command. Basically, you have to protect a base from incoming missiles coming down. At the moment there isn’t a base though!

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