GNGNeo2x v0.6.7a (NeoGeo emu for GP2x)

GNGNeo2x is a NeoGeo emulator for the GP2x and recieved an update.,0,0,0,5,1098

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Perl (GP2x misc)

This is a completly ported version of the current Perl 5.8.7 for the GP2X.The state of this port is still beta. It`s not optimized and comes with every standard perl module (even thou many modules are pointless on the gp2x). Furthermore the also included SDL_perl module to use SDL Bindings withing perl isn`t tested in any way.For module and general documentation (not included), see search.cpan.org,0,0,0,14,1155

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GTA Pong v0.1 (PSP Game)

Percival has released his game GTA Pong which is using the GTA savegame exploit.

The classic Pong game now available for 2.01+ PSP’s !!! Made with Fanjita’s Devkit for GTA homebrew.

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RTS v0.4 (NDS Game)

RTS a strategy game for the Nintendo DS has been updated. Changes:

Update. v0.4

  • Added towers. I didn’t tell the AI about them though.
  • Fixed bug preventing new building from being built if you had your max units made.
  • Fixed fog of war not being cleared when a unit is killed.

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    Meshloader (Preview) (14-01-2006) (PSP Lua Application)

    Lumo has updated his Meshloader/3D Model loader for the PSP. It now adds a in-application screenshot function.

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    SMSAdvance v1.3 (SMS emu for GBA)

    FluBBa has released a pretty large update to his Sega Master System emulator for the Gameboy Advance. Changes:

  • Added support for running the GG bios in SMS mode.
  • Added support for all SMS Bioses.
  • Added option in builder for”empty”slot at the end of ROMlist. (Loopy).
  • Added option to lock the 2 toprows in unscaled mode.
  • Added”Perfect Sprite”option for games like: Global Gladiators. GP Rider (GG). Speedball 2. Xenon 2.
  • Added emulation of locking the right side of the screen, games: Gauntlet. Golvellius. Griffin (GG). Line of Fire. Megumi Rescue. Rygar.
  • Fixed IO port 2, Laser Ghost.
  • Fixed Monaco GP, SG-1000.
  • Fixed the support for Jang Pung II (KR).
  • Fixed priority on zoomed sprites in mode 0&2 (Bank Panic, SG-100).

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    DrugWars DS (15-01-2006) (NDS Game)

    DrugWars DS is a textgame based upon DrugWars. The aim of this game is to do nasty things and get rich. Changes:

    1/15/2006 – Completely revamped version that uses dual screens far better than originally. A totall redesigned banking system also makes for easy deposits and withdraws. Eye candy has been dispersed throughout the game, the Inventory and Prices menus have been consolidated, and random sound effects have been added. Check it out for everything that’s been added!

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    Font and Sprite Library (15-01-2006) (NDS misc)


    – 1/15/2006 A few new things in this update. First, I consolidated a few functions that did not need to have duplicates, such as character width, height, etc… Also, I added functions that allow you to supply a raw buffer and use the sprite and wrapped text functions on your own 15bit color backgrounds. I have also added the ability to draw text or sprites inverted.

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    OldPlay v0.8 (GP2x Application)

    Image provided by: GP32SpainSasq released the music player OldPlay for the GP2x. It plays classic music formats like MOD and SID. Thanks to GP32Spain for the news.

    OldPlay is a music player that uses libsidplay1, modplug and UADE to play a multitude of classic music formats.

    Sids are played using libsidplay1 (resid wouldnt work on gp2x) and so filter emulation is far from perfect.

    Amiga formats uses UADE, which is based on UAE (The Amiga Emulator) and Eagleplayer. It takes quite a lot of CPU so the equalizer is automatically turned off when playing amiga formats. However, if you want to avoid stuttering on TFMX and other songs that require a bit more CPU, you can try overclocking (~250 should do it).

    Oldplay also uses libzip to look inside zipfiles (which is almost a requirement when playing from HVSC).,0,0,0,6,1154

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    SquidgeSNES v0.31 (SNES emu for GP2x)

    Squidge has updated his SNES emulater. New in this version:

  • Full screen scaling (uses the gp2x hardware, so no performance loss)
  • FPS counter now optional
  • Ability to use the“standard” absolute rom path /roms/snes rather than the relative path“roms”
  • Option to swap around the action buttons so that it matches a snes controller

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