ReboNDS (22-10-2005) (NDS Game)

ReboNDS is a puzzle/action game in which you have to fill a playgound area isolating balls. To reach the goal, you have to draw horizontal or vertical lines. Any closed area without ball inside it will be automatically filled. Hence, this game is another version of the various X-bounce, K-Bounce, Win-Bounce, and so on… Some of the graphics wre created from scratch, some others use parts of icons from the Linux world.The current version is still under development. Sources are available for coders who are looking for ideas and solutions to problems. Currently, highscores are again not recorder and microphone is not yet available. However, some sounds have been added and numerous bugs have been fixed. This version has been updated for the devkitARM release 17.

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DGen v1.10 (Genesis/Megadrive emu for PSP)

Syn-Z has improved DGen once more. It’s a Genesis/Megadrive emulator for the PSP.

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MoonShell v0.5 (TestPreview) (NDS Application)

Infantile Paralysiser has updated MoonShell…

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Tedzero Browser v2.3.1 (PSP Application)

Tedzero updated his his filebrowser/file transfer program for the PSP. Changes:

  • Status Bar.
  • File Size displayed.
  • Delete a folder on PSP, (Recursive deletion. Subfolders will also be deleted).
  • Use arrow keys to navigate on filesystem.
  • Use ‘Select’ to switch between PC and PSP.

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    dsGO v1.0 (NDS Game)

    dsGo is a board game based on gnugo v1.2.

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    X-Roar v0.14 (Dragon 32/64 emu for GP32)

    XRoar is a Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo emulator for Unix, Linux, GP32, MacOS X and Windows32. It uses standard cassette images (“.cas”files) and virtual diskettes (“.vdk”files) but has its own snapshot format at the moment (no”.pak”file support). XRoar is Free Software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence.

  • PAL vertical timing now more correct.
  • New machine ‘tano’ added (NTSC Tano Dragon).
  • Sub-scanline rendering added (timing not quite perfect yet).
  • Fullscreen option added (-fs, or toggle with Control+F).
  • 6809 core optimisations.

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    GpHoldin (GP32 Game)

    Image provided by: RichAnbother game Rich released yesterday, is GpHolding, a poker game. To be exact a”Texas Hold ‘Em”Trainer.

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    Lines (GP32 Game)

    Image provided by: RichLines is a puzzle game.

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    Tedzero Browser v2.3 (PSP Application)

    tedzero has released a new version of his filebrowser for the PSP. Changes:

  • 1) Menu driven.
  • 2) MessageBox for confirmation (While you delete.. etc etc.).
  • 3) You can Now copy the entire folder from your PC to PSP. YES ENTIRE FOLDER.
  • 4) Delete a folder on PSP (The folder should be empty.)

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    Dr. MD v4.0 (Genesis/Megadrive emu for GP32)

    Reesy has updated his Megadrive/Genesis emulator”Dr. MD”. Changes:

  • Fixed DMA emulation – Contra – Hard Corps now fixed
  • Added SRAM emulation – fixes PGA golf, yay! This has meant a change to the save state format and menu options. Saves states from version 3.0 and Beta 11 will load on version 4.0 but version 4.0 save states will not load on older versions.
  • Mega Bomberman now working again, I screwed up the Cyclone core in the Beta 11 release.
  • Menu still at 40Mhz but scrolling background is back by popular demand 😉
  • Menu now switches to 133Mhz when uncompressing roms and other cpu intensive tasks.

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