Toobin (09-02-2010) (A2600 Game)

Developer “atari2600land” has updated his game Toobin.

Release notes:

There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why it blinks, but it does. Could someone look at the code and help me get the scanline back down to where it should be?

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Skull Island (13-02-2010) (A2600 Game)

You find a treasure map in the attic of your house. Think Goonies movie. You and some friends go in search of this buried treasure on Skull Island. One problem, you don’t exactly know where Skull Island is. You each get out your raft and head out into the river. Your friends are represented on the grid as colors. The red color is you. The other colors are your friends. The pink square in the middle is an island. You’re object is to get to the island.

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A Big Thanks To All Of You (Pandora misc)

Pandora around the corner! Here are the latest news from the official OpenPandora blog:


Well, it has been a wild rollercoaster ride. It was fun. It was annoying. It was amazing. It was frightening. It was unique.

I think most of you experienced the same during the loooong waiting period we had up until now.

There were times when I asked myself ‘What the heck have I gotten myself into?’.
There were tons of rocks blocking our road – and each time I feared “Okay. This is it. Now everyone is gonna cancel and I have to pay debts for the next 20 years!”

I think I’m not the only one in the project who experienced the same.

On the other side, there were many things that kept us going. The progress the project made. How much you anticipated the videos. The reactions on the board when you saw the first prototype. And when you saw the first prototype case.

It was a long and bumpy ride. But now we we’re there. Many many boards are finished already and are just waiting for the cases. The cases that took so long. But finally, we were content with them. We gave the green light. All that’s left now is the production.
During the last days, activity on the boards has raised. And what I did read there made me happy.

Some devs I know and respect since the good old GP32 days received their Pandora – and they all do call it a beauty.

The whole community seems so happy that we finally finished it. The ranting has stopped.

Now I’m really sure what we did was the right thing. And that’s why I want to say THANK YOU! Thank you all!

Thanks to…

… Michael, who really did a fantastic job designing the system and organizing so many things around the production.
… Craig, who was the guy that started all of it and kept us going. He was the one taking most the risk. And he was the one who convinced us to do it!
… Fatih, who did source a lot of the parts and companies we’re working with.
… DaveC who decsigned the complete case all alone! A great achievement!
… notaz, who did work on a lot of lowlevel stuff and is now fixing various bugs that are still left. A very nice and talented chap!
… DJWillis for working on the OS image and getting WiFi to work!
… skeezix for developing the PND system and contributing various other stuff to the OS
… cpasjuste for working on various ports and pmenu.
….vimacs, for supplying quite a few scripts and helping skeezix with the libraries and PND system.
… Pickle for porting many many games.
… Squidge for testing the SoCs.
… all other devs that did help us in some way
… and of course all of you! The community! The ones that kept us going! The ones that laid their money into our hands to produce this great little machine! Thanks!

So, what will happen next?

We don’t even know yet how many cases the chinese factory is able to produce until the new year or IF they are even able to produce them, however, the most important thing is that nothing needs to be changed anymore. So in worst case, they start the mass production after their new years break which is February 22nd. Not a big deal after waiting for such a long time.

Of course, once this starts, we’ll try to finish your Pandoras as fast as possible. Will be a few weeks, I guess, as we shouldn’t forget about shipping. The cases need to be shipped from China to America (takes a few days). After the Mass production, they need to be shipped to us (takes a few days as well) and from there they need to be shipped to you.

We’ll keep you informed about what happens as usual.
As most work is going on with the OS right now, I’ll set up a status page with what has to be done and what has been done for the OS soon.

Want to shake hands or talk with me?

You all do know me from the boards, I guess. However, if you want to meet me in real life: I’ll be at the CeBIT in Hannover, Germany on March 6th. From 12pm – 1pm I’ll be doing a presentation about OpenSource gaming handhelds. Of course, I’ll have the Pandora with me. So if you happen to be there, why not join us there? I’ll be posting more information about this soon.

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2 Or More v1.1.2 (Android Game)

This is puzzle game where you have to match two or more blocks of the same color. Although simple this game presents some interesting challenges. Now with 70 Levels. More levels in progress.

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Amazon Lightning Deals Widget v1.0 (Android Application)

Add this widget to your home screen to see the latest Lightning deal before it’s all claimed!

This widget will automatically update every 15 minutes when the screen is on (and every 30 minutes when the screen is off).

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Davok v1.1 (Android Game)

You must control a colorful ball with the accelerometer so that it touches a brick of the same color. If you manage to do that the brick and all nearby ones disappear. If not the ball
changes into a brick. The game ends when some brick gets to the center of the map.

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Toss It v1.0 (Preview) (Android misc)

Toss a ball of crumpled paper into a waste bin.

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JMLPanex v2.40 (PPC Application)

JMLPanex program (JML Panel Execute) allows multiple hotspots on a plugin (-> Association picture/program). JMLPanex is a Titanium plugin!


– Bug, sorry

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cleanRAM v1.9.4 (PPC Application)

This is an amazing utility which helps you to clean up the wasted RAM memory without having to restart the device and eventually saves a lot of time.

Changes can be found here:

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SchedHandler v1.77 (PPC Application)

camro updated his application SchedHandler, previously known as MailHandler. The program is based upon ImapPusher.


.) Scheduler for:
Scanning for:
-> network connection scanner (check the connection and if not valid reconnect again)
-> anti power suspend (sending power heartbeat every X-seconds, and so not going to suspend mode)
-> imap idle scanning for new emails
-> wheel time scanning (after X-seconds execute…)
–> + extra option for
—- checking if File Exist
—- checking if File Not Exist
—- checking if Application Running
—- checking if Application Not Running
Timeplans when Scanning events are valid
Execution if Scanning is valid:
-> Polling Emails (Pocket Outlook Mailboxes)
-> Kill Tasks
-> Play Sounds (all windows media supported files)
-> Switch Radio, GPRS, Wlan, Bluetooth via ON/OFF/Toggle
it supports:
+ multiple email profiles
+ multiple email FOLDERS
+ multiple scheduler profiles
+ multiple time plans
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and/or via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for:
+> switching on/off/toogle (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)


+ another fix on LOGOUT (sometimes LOGOUT can’t be recognize)
+ extra debugging lines for timeplan check on IMAP IDLE

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