LvR (Gameboy Advance)

EasyRPG Player v0.5.2 (Wii Port misc)

EasyRPG Player is an open source implementation of the RPG Maker 2000/2003 engine. Get a RPG Maker 2000/2003 game and place the Player (boot.dol) in the root directory of the game (that’s where RPG_RT.exe is). The program has no file browser, each game really needs its own boot.dol!


Only three months after the last release we have another update for you before we take a development break for the summer.

This time with a fix for a critical bug that snuck in right before 0.5.1 and corrupted savegames of non-English games. This was especially bad in Yume Nikki because it completely broke the Save and the Player was stuck at the loading screen of the game.

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opsu! v0.15.0.08 (Pandora Game Port)

opsu! is an unofficial open-source client for osu!, a rhythm game based on popular commercial games such as Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents. It is written in Java using Slick2D and LWJGL, wrappers around the OpenGL and OpenAL libraries. opsu! runs on Windows, OS X, and Linux platforms. A libGDX port additionally supports Android devices. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Updated to latest sources

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µCity v1.0 (GBC Game)

µCity (also spelled ‘uCity’, pronounced ‘micro-city’) is an open-source city building game for Game Boy Color by AntonioND. After a few betas over the last months, we now have a stable version. Go ahead and build your own city! The game plays perfect in emulators but certainly also on real hardware.

[GBC Game] µCity v1.0

Thanks to AntonioND himself for the news.

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Star J1 (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Tiberiy just got in touch with us to let everyone know about Star J1. It’s space side-scrolling shooter including big bosses, 7 weapons, 7 mods for ship (speed, armor, etc), 3 starships, music tracks like Comix Zone, Dune II, Toxic Crusaders NES, etc). The game is about 65% complete.

Star J1 project for Sega Genesis

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Space Cactus Canyon (Beta 3) (A2600 Game)

Space Cactus Canyon is an Atari 2600 game by bjbest60.

You are the last cactus on Earth and need to collect water. Avoid the enemies and their bullets. Save your needles (bullets) until you really need them. Travel through thirty canyons and make it to your spaceship to take you to Mars!

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Sword of Iffrit (Beta 23-06-2017 v2) (A2600 Game)

ultima updated his action game Sword of Iffrit. Loki the God of Mischief has stolen the sword of Surtr and split it into 3 pieces. You play as the viking Haldor on your quest to find the sword fragments and return them to your longhouse.

Release notes:

-I’ve added an extra switch in the castle. (to prevent player from being trapped)
– fixes the portable version to display the surtr sword only once in the score
– plus there’s some more little touches like the background not changing after the dragon battle
– bugfix * a 1 in a million chance of killing the dragon and he leaves a dead fireball on the exit path that kills the player instantly (fixed)
– added a titlescreen tune
– stan jr asked ” get the dotted circle (what is it?)” That’s the “DEADLY AIM” bow upgrade

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TemperPCE v0.91 (PCE emu for 3DS)

bubble2k16 pushed Exophase‘s TemperPCE to the Nintendo 3DS. It’s a TurboGrafx / PC-Engine emulator to the old 3DS and old 2DS. This port heavily relies on the 3DS’s 3D GPU hardware to achieve 60 FPS (or close to 60 with frame skips).

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ColEm v4.1 (Coleco Vision emu for Android)

Marat Fayzullin updated his Coleco Vision emulator ColEm for Android devices.


* Eliminated false directional events from analog gamepads (XBox360).
* No longer asking for READ_PHONE_STATE permission in ColEm-Deluxe.
* Fixed multiple crashes reported by the new Google Play Console.
* Fixed crashes in the File Selector progress dialog and onCreate().
* Fixed crash when blitting image to screen while exiting.
* Fixed crash when exiting Gallery and Palette Editor on Android Nougat.
* Hopefully fixed rare crash in Palette Editor RGB dialog.

This is a free, limited version of ColEm that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the latest, full, ad-free version, with better joystick, network play, and the ability to share your saved game play with other users, get ColEm Deluxe.

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fMSX v4.9.3 (MSX emu for Android)

fMSX is an MSX home computer emulator. It will run software written for MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ computers. Before running fMSX, make sure you place the following MSX system ROMs onto your SD card: MSX.ROM MSX2.ROM MSX2EXT.ROM DISK.ROM.


* Eliminated false directional events from analog gamepads (XBox360).
* No longer asking for READ_PHONE_STATE permission in fMSX-Deluxe.
* Fixed crashes reported by the new Google Play Console.
* Fixed crashes in the File Selector progress dialog.
* Fixed crash when blitting image to screen while exiting.
* Fixed crash when exiting Palette Editor and Gallery on Android Nougat.
* Hopefully fixed rare crash in the File Selector onCreate().
* Hopefully fixed rare crash in Palette Editor RGB dialog.

This is a free, limited version of fMSX that may show ads and nag you to buy the full version. For the full, ad-free version, get fMSX Deluxe. Or, you can buy any one of the authors other emulators and the fMSX ads will stop.

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Realms of Idle v0.2.4112 (Android Game)

Realms of Idle is a strategy game for Android by ilMare Games.

Release notes:

– minor bugfixes before major version

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