Wiz vs Dingoo (Dingoo misc)

Craig has posted an interesting video on YouTube -Wiz vs. Dingoo A-320!

Thanks to for the news.

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Wiz vs Dingoo (Wiz misc)

Craig has posted an interesting video on YouTube -Wiz vs. Dingoo A-320!

Thanks to for the news.

By with 0 comments turns 5 years old (misc) has been serving the homebrew and gaming scene for severall years now. Even if the relation with us isn’t the best anymore, let’s hope for another five years (or longer). Good Luck!

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Wiredbomb0s S2DSDK Installation Guide (Dingoo misc)

Wiredbombo has written a great guide on installing the Dingoo SDK.

Thanks to for the news.

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Rubido (Dingoo Game)

Aim of the game depends on the difficulty you selected but all difficulties have the same rules being basicly you select a peg, it will turn blue then select an empty spot. Between the empty spot and the peg you selected should be another peg so that the initally selected peg will jump over the “middle” peg and will be removed.

Depending on the difficulty you either have to end in the middle of the board with one peg left or on any location (also with one peg left). And you can “jump over pegs” diagonally, but that’s explained ingame as well on the difficulty select screen.

Thanks to for the news.

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Bannerbomb (Alpha 1) (Wii Application)

The exploit dubbed as BannerBomb created by Comex is the only public way to load homebrew applications on a System Menu 4.0 Wii. The exploit was released on the 5th April 2009 through the IRC Channel #Wiidev. The exploit works by using a malformed banner to crash the wii loading the boot.dol placed in the root of the SD card. Currently this exploit does not allow the Homebrew channel to be installed due to the exploit that was used being blocked in 4.0. However, it can still be installed through BannerBomb on System Menu version 3.X.

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Fuel Blaster v0.7 (Beta) (PPC Application)

Fuel Blaster is a fuel tracking tool. You will need .NET CF v3.5 and SQL Server CE v3.5 to use this program.


v0.7 (2009-05-12)
-Fix: Metrics, Currency can are now changed everywhere (not just in the Scroller)
-Fix: Problem with the stats fixed 🙂
-Fix: Redraw after deleting!
-Fix: Some Landscape Problems (again…)
-Fix: All SQL Server CE 3.5 Files included 🙂
-Fix: Less CPU Usage!
-Feature: Graphs (All are shown, just click on them to disable some!)

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Pikos QuakeGX WIP (Wii Game Port)

This is a port of Quake to the Wii based on the GC Quake port by Peter Mackay, ported to Wii by Eluan and enhanced by Piko.

WIP News::

I’m rolling back to version 0.08, if you downloaded version 0.09-0.11 please download version 0.08. Sorry about this, but I’m noticing some new bugs, and I don’t think I want to release it in it’s current form. I’ll try to get version 0.12 released as soon as possible.

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Dingoo-Oswan v0.3 (Fix) (WSC emu for Dingoo)

Jorge Hontoria Jimenez updated his WonderSwan and WonderSwan Colour emulator for the Dingoo.

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Super Alarma (12-05-2009) (NDS Application)

Super Alarma is a Super Mario World themed alarm clock for your Nintendo DS.

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