Lockjaw v0.42 (GBA Game)

Who needs Super Bowl XLII when you have what could be the world’s most customizable Tetris clone?


Docs: Most of TODO.txt has been converted to a numbered list of bugs (bug 0100).
An off-by-1/65536 error in enter below ceiling was fixed. This means it doesn’t give one extra row of room to slide on at the top of the well (reported by Caithness and Kukuunen).
In case of a block out, draws the offending piece in the well before entering game over animation.
Extra 5-frame cascade delay removed.
With Lockdown set to Step reset, lock delay resets on the first floor kick.
Tengen rotation system tries kicking one space to the left (requested by zaphod77).
Options’ names and values are looked up from fourCCs for future localizability.
Options: Names of speeds in fractions of 1G are computed.
Options skips unpacking options with a value of 255. This allows multiple pref structures to be unpacked on top of each other, and each overrides the ones before it.
Debrief displays options on a second page.
Debrief correctly displays soft drop speed as a fraction (0.41 regression, reported by Lardarse).
Debrief: PC specific parts moved to separate source code file.
Debrief uses a lower-level function to format ISO 8601 date and time so as not to bring in the floating-point library’s space overhead on platforms without an FPU.
Debrief plays a sound when turning the page.
PC: Delay for holding Esc to quit no longer depends on display refresh rate. Instead, it uses the global 60 Hz timer (reported by Sara).
PC: Draws speedometer even when preview is at right, as long as there is room, that is, 3 or fewer next pieces (requested by Cubicz).
PC: Gimmick choice moved to Options to match GBA/DS.
PC: Select scenario before starting game (bug 0041).
PC options uses standardized GBA names (OPTIONS_*) instead of PC names (LJPREFS_*).
PC options Shift sound scale, Side, and Next position moved to skin.
PC options sets initial options using initOptions() from GBA/DS. Incidentally, this restores the initial randomizer to bag (0.41 regression and may make similar regressions less likely.
PC options uses unpackOptions() from GBA/DS.
PC options sound is also routed through the cross-platform sound manager.
PC: lj.ini uses fourCCs as names for easier saving and loading.
PC: Switching between windowed and full screen in Options no longer needs the user to restart the program.
PC: Skin controls window width and height (requested by Bloodstar).
PC: LJVorbis doesn’t crash if polled while the music is stopped. This can happen when cross-platform code plays sound effects during debrief.
PC: Skin sets screen resolution (bug 0017).
PC/DS: Displays a description of some option values in addition to descriptions of options themselves.
GBA/DS: Options disabled on the PC are disabled here.
GBA: Menus are faster now that part of the text engine has been moved to fast RAM.
DS: Plays sound for game over (bug 0064).
DS: Options displayed on touch screen for future touch operation.
DS: Displays debrief after game ends (bug 0031).

Thanks to tepples himself for the news: //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=412

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Death (03-02-2008) (NDS Game)

iprice has borrowed some MD2 files from polycount and spent a few hours making a simple Rails shooter called “Death”.

Thanks to for the news.

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OpenSSH v4.6p1-1 (iPhone Application)

This is a repackaging, for the iPhone program, of this ( ) binary package for a different iPhone application installer program. St also tweaked it a tiny bit.

Release notes:

I replaced the com.openssh.sshd.plist file with the one from my Mac. I also added the sshd-keygen-wrapper file from my Mac. What this means is that ssh will properly start up and shutdown now and ssh can easily be enabled/disabled. The reboot of your iPhone during the upgrade to this version should be the last time it’s needed and that requirement will go away with the next version. For folks doing a new install of this package: the host keys are no longer generated during package installation. They will be generated when you first try to ssh into your iPhone. That means that first login will take longer than usual (approximately 30-35 seconds), but after that, login times will be quick.

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Ultra-FastReflexes v0.2 (NDS Game)

Montspy has updated his reflex game Ultra-FastReflexes. Press the appearing symbol on the screen as fast as possible on your pad to gain lots of points.

This version adds a timer.

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Locations v0.2.1 (iPhone Application)

Locations – a native iPhone application to watch webcam images whenever you want and wherever you are.

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Pointless Pacman v1e (PSP Game)

Art has updated his “Pointelss Pacman” game for Playstation Portable.

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Muepp Muepp v2.0 (GP2x Game)

Achim updated his “catch the smily” game.


– Game should not crash anymore
– 2 minigames (Labyrinth u& Masquerade)

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PDRoms Coding Competition 3.99 – Update for GP2x users (GP2x misc)

Orkie has released a program called Cramfsldr, which allows you to pull several multiple files into one .gpe.

This will allow a modification of the current PDRoms Coding Competition ( //phpbb/viewforum.php?f=59 ) to allow FENIX users, but with the restriction to be forced using Cramfsldr, which will make everything “ready to go”.

The rules itself will be updated on monday, so don’t worry if the changes are not mentioned in the official rules for now.

Fenix users, go ahead! 🙂

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FullBoard (21-12-2007) (GP2x Game)

This is a release from GP2x developer PotA which has slipped under our news radar.

Thanks to for the news.

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Shanghai v2 (GP2x Game)

PotA brings us a very polished version of Shanghai / Mahjong for the GP2x.

Thanks to for the news.

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