WHAC-A-MOLE v1.0 (Android Game)

Help the world get rid of the moles by repeatedly bashing them on the head with a variety of sophisticated weapons.

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andr0gravity v1.21 (Android Game)

This is a new interpretation of the classic tilt-maze puzzle with new features, as breakable and “diode” walls.


– 40ty varied levels (including classical and new)
– Touch, button and sensor control mode
– Fun soundtrack (now Android learned to speak 🙂 )
– Support all screen sizes and orientations

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anProxy v1.0 (Android Application)

This small utility allow to setup proxy server for web-browser.

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A dream becomes reality (Pandora misc)

The production is running on high speed!


Didn’t we all dream about that the case mass production should become reality?

Well, it has. We got some brand new pictures for you.
The mould has been successfully calibrated and mounted on the machine.
The pieces you see are the first that has been spit out by the machine, so those are testing ones which are being checked.
Not all have the finishing applied – one nice picture that does show how it will look like with finishing applied is the one with the battery lids.

Those samples are being checked – and if they are okay (and they really do look fine), they will continue to spit out the cases and apply finishing.


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Keep it going (Pandora misc)

News from EvilDragon!


Long time no blog post – and a lot has happened, really!

First, let’s start with some OS development. The OS is getting better and better. We will probably add another minimal menu, similar to gmenu2x with no fancy effects and graphics but PND-Support. This is for all the purists of you.

Also, notaz and DJWillis are slowly stepping forward in getting WiFi working. While it’s not perfect, the packet loss is decreasing and things are getting better. It might still be a long way (or it might be finished soon, you never know with such things), but it’s improving.

I also successfully managed to setup a Bluetooth PAN connection to my mobile phone. I got an IP address via DHCP, I got DNS resolving and I could ping the phone. Pinging websites outside of the phone didn’t work yet, but that might be my mobile phone (custom cooked ROM, never tried Bluetooth PAN before). As I did use the terminal to set that up (it only takes a few lines to do so), the next step is including this into the Network Manager.

Next let’s go on to the Mass Production:
As most of you already know, we moved the assembly from US to UK – we’ll do it ourselves! This is because the company in US finally gave us a price for doing this – a ridiculous high price.
The boards will still be populated there, but we will assemble the units ourselves. Craig is currently setting up the village hall to turn into a proper place to do this, including buying everything needed (ESD stuff, etc.)

Our current roadmap is like this:
(note: It still depends on the case production and on the board production. This is based on the dates they did tell us – but as we already experienced a few times, we are a small client for them and therefore have low priority… let’s hope they keep their dates this time!)

March 18th: Production of 1000 cases is finished and will be shipped to UK.
March 22nd: 1000 cases will arrive in UK and will be inspected. If all is well, the next 3000 will go into production.
March 22th – March 26th: 500 populated and tested boards and all parts will be shipped to UK.
Approx. April 1st: Assembly will start.

Yep, another promise broken – whereas the company in Texas told us they can test 1000 boards a week before, it’s now down to 500 boards a week. At least they kept their shipping dates for all the prototypes and testing boards so far, so March 22th – March 26th should hopefully be fine.

Some parts already started to arrive in UK, e.g. the PSUs are there.

We decided to start on April 1st to have a small bufferzone for the stuff to arrive. It doesn’t make much sense if we all sit around in the village hall without having any parts to build together 🙂

The complete assembly process will be broadcasted live via Webcam. That will be fun!

The Pandora stirred up a lot of interest in Germany currently.
I’ve been at the CeBIT in Germany doing a presentation about the OpenSource gaming handhelds and of course the Pandora.
It was crowded. Thanks to Radio Tux, you can listen to the presentation. You can also download the PDF I used for it here.

They also did another interview here.

And if anybody wants to watch it, we’ve got the full thing available as video on Youtube here.

Beware, it’s all in German!

After the presentation, a lot of guys (some from the community as well) could get their hands on the Pandora and play with it. They all loved how well the controls and the keyboard work. Looks like our design is working well 🙂

That’s it for today – hopefully we have good news within the next two weeks

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Angry Drunken Dwarfs (17-03-2010) (Pandora Game Port)

In Angry, Drunken Dwarves, you are an angry, drunken dwarf. Why are you so angry? Who knows. But you’ve decided to take your aggression out on other dwarves, by dropping gems on their heads. Lots of gems. ADD is a member of the classic “falling blocks” puzzle game family, similar to the Capcom game Puzzle Fighter. The goal of the game is to build large gems by matching up colors, then break them, raining more gems down onto your opponent. The first person whose field fills up, loses.,0,0,0,25,41

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C-Dogs (17-03-2010) (Pandora Game Port)

C-Dogs is an arcade shoot-em-up which lets players work alone and cooperatively during missions or fight against each other in the “dogfight” deathmatch mode. The original DOS version of C-Dogs came with several built in missions and dogfight maps. This version does too.

The author of the DOS version of C-Dogs was Ronny Wester.,0,0,0,30,42

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Exaile v0.3.1b (Pandora Application)

Exaile is a music manager and player for GTK+ written in Python. It incorporates automatic fetching of album art, lyrics fetching, scrobbling, support for many portable media players, internet radio such as shoutcast, and tabbed playlists.,0,0,0,6,43

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Free Heroes 2 (17-03-2010) (Pandora misc Port)

The Free Heroes II project (FHeroes 2) aim to create a free implementation of Heroes of Might and Magic II engine using SDL.

You need to own the original game to play it.,0,0,0,29,44

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Vice (C64 emu for Pandora)

A C64 Emulator for your Pandora, a port of Vice!,0,0,0,72,46

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