iOS News
Squid v0.1 (iPhone Application)

Squid is a native file manager for the iPhone.


Basic folder navigation implemented.

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Mobile Finder v0.7.0 (iPhone Application)

MobileFinder (strictly “Finder” in the iPhone’s springboard view) is a filesystem navigator and launcher for use with iPhones which have been jailbroken. (see )

Filesystem navigation
Icons differentiate different filetypes
Copy, Move, Delete operations (requires that /bin/mv and /bin/cp be installed)
Application Launch (Prevents Springboard from coming back if launching GUI app with no exit button)

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iPhoneeBooks v0.4 (iPhone Application) is a simple eBook reader for the iPhone. It reads HTML and text files stored in your Media/EBooks folder, and is smart enough to enter subdirectories, if, for instance, you’ve broken a book down by chapters.

Eventually, this project will include a simple method of syncing eBooks to your iPhone. At the moment, that’s handled by iPHUC and a shell script called As of v. 0.2, this script is included in the .tar.gz download. is recommended for use with Project Gutenberg texts, in conjunction with GutenMark, a fantastic PG markup tool by Ronald Burkey, which makes pretty HTML out of Gutenberg .txt files, and splits them by chapter using a second tool.

By with 0 comments v0.48 (NES emu for iPhone) uses the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge.

Changes since v0.47:

[nervegas] More improvements to save-state wiring (WIP)
[nervegas] Added “Multitouch State” preference (see README)

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iPhoneFrotz v0.3 (iPhone misc)

iPhone PhoneFrotz is a port of Frotz, an interpretor for the Infocom and other Z-machine series of adventure games.

By with 0 comments v0.47 (NES emu for iPhone)

iPhone uses the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge.

Changes since v0.46:

[nervegas] Included patch for -O7 optimized compiling: WAY FASTER. Turn frameskip down to 2 for full speed @ mario 3, punchout

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iPhoneeBooks v0.3 (iPhone Application)

iPhone is a simple eBook reader for the iPhone. It reads HTML and text files stored in your Media/EBooks folder, and is smart enough to enter subdirectories, if, for instance, you’ve broken a book down by chapters.

Eventually, this project will include a simple method of syncing eBooks to your iPhone. At the moment, that’s handled by iPHUC and a shell script called As of v. 0.2, this script is included in the .tar.gz download. is recommended for use with Project Gutenberg texts, in conjunction with GutenMark, a fantastic PG markup tool by Ronald Burkey, which makes pretty HTML out of Gutenberg .txt files, and splits them by chapter using a second tool.

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iPhoneFrotz v0.2 (iPhone misc)

iPhoneFrotz is a port of Frotz, an interpretor for the Infocom and other Z-machine series of adventure games.


The Frotz directory has been moved to /var/root/Media/Frotz/Games in version 0.2 so you can use iPhuc, etc. to copy the files more easily.

If you already have game or save files in the old location, iPhoneFrotz 0.2 will move them to the new location automatically on first launch.

This update also enables auto-saving of games when the phone goes to sleep or back to the SpringBoard menu — this worked in 0.1 only if you knew to create the ‘Saves’ directory by hand.

By with 0 comments v0.46 (NES emu for iPhone)

iPhone uses the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge.

Changes since v0.44:

[nervegas] Write preferences to /var/root/Library/Preferences
[nervegas] Corrected Save-State issues with many (many) games
[nervegas] Corrected more save-state issues

By with 0 comments v0.44 (NES emu for iPhone) uses the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge.

Changes since v0.41:

[nervegas] Restored fast scroll list / bold font – swiping seems better
[nervegas] Fixed compiler warnings
[nervegas] Added notification icons for direction, b, a
[nervegas] Added suspend support (and preference)
[nervegas] Fixed suspend support while running games

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