iOS News
PSX4iPhone v1.0.0 (PSX emu for iPhone)

With the release of the purplera1n jailbreak for the iPhone 3gs, the time has come to release an updated PSX4iPhone on ZodTTD’s public Cydia repo.

Further release notes:

I have made this build of the Sony Playstation 1 emulator, psx4iphone, to support all Apple devices running firmware 3.0 and above. Though keep in mind it will run about 300% faster on the iPhone 3gs, allowing for many games to be played. There are still some things to be worked out in the performance department, namely sound emulation slowing things down. If you can live without sound output, you have a mighty fast emulator.

This package is what I termed a “Donate & Download” Cydia package. Donations are very much appreciated, though are optional. By choosing the free option in the donation amount dropdown, you can receive it for free.

So what’s new in psx4iphone v1.0.0? The user interface is now up-to-date with the likes of the Gameboy Advance emulator, gpSPhone. I have implemented save states in addition to memory card saves. Portrait and landscape modes work. Tons of bug fixes have been made to the emulator itself, and I have been working hard on improving compatibility.

Instructions for installing psx4iphone can be found in the Cydia package info. Basically you place a PSX BIOS file and games that you must provide inside /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/PSX/. The BIOS file must be in all lowercase and be named scph1001.bin. For uploading the files on to your iPhone / iPod Touch / iPhone 3gs, I recommend using DiskAid. It sends files over USB allowing for fast transfers. It is also useful as I was not able to get SFTP working on the iPhone 3gs with the purplera1n jailbreak. Reportedly SCP works.

I would really love to see some nice videos of psx4iphone running on the 3gs! If you make one, let me know and link it here.

Hope you enjoy! Thanks,


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YouTool v1.0 (iPhone Application)

Your buddy just sent you a link to a YouTube video, but you are at work where the website is blocked. What do you do?

You have an iPhone which can watch YouTube videos! But wait, how do you launch that specific video your buddy sent? Easy!

Open up YouTool and type in the YouTube Video Code found at the end of all YouTube URLs. YouTool will launch the native iPhone YouTube app and you will be watching your YouTube video in seconds!

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HostMonitor v1.0 (iPhone Application)

The application can monitor these services: ICMP Echo, FTP, SSH, Telnet, SMTP, SMTPS, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, POP3, POP3S, IMAP2, IMAPS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle.

By with 0 comments v3.3.4 (NES emu for iPhone)

NES v3 emulates the hardware in a Nintendo entertainment system, allowing you to play ROM images on your iPhone. NES v3 was a complete rewrite of this popular emulator for iPhoneOS v3.0 (although it should also run on v2.x). There are many public domain, home-brew games available which have been written for the Nintendo platform, and depending on your country of origin, you may be entitled to play images of commercial games which you rightfully own.

The author does not condone the illegal piracy of copyrighted Nintendo games, and provides no support in obtaining or using pirated images.


[jonz] Added “Sticky Controller” option; when on, holding a button and then dragging off the button’s space will keep the button in a “down” state until the user lifts their finger. When off, Button deactivates immediately when user moves out of button’s space.

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ShapeShifter FREE v1.0 (iPhone Game)

Create, Rotate, Scale, and Move your shapes in a race against the clock to match as many shapes as you can! Every match you make holds off the clock with a time bonus, but as the targets move faster and faster, it becomes more and more difficult to stare down fate.

* 3 Modes of difficulty with differing time bonuses and target creation speeds
* Keep track of your high scores for each mode
* Fast-Paced, Intense Fun!

*This is an ad-supported version of ShapeShifter. For a version without ads, search for ShapeShifter*

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paddleNball v0.1 (iPhone Game)

paddleNball is a very simple Pong like game.

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Cana v1.03.0 (iPhone Game)

Cana is a fun puzzle game where you slide tiles to unscramble pictures.

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GridLoc v0.1 (iPhone Game)

GridLoc is a game of logic with simple rules but requiring your neurons to be firing to solve the grids.

The goal of the game is to solve the grid by selecting the smaller squares that needs to be filled based on the number in the larger square. Watch out for smaller squares that adjoin several larger squares!

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SweetDreams v1.2 (iPhone misc)

SweetDreams is a free, open-source iPhone application for managing DreamHost accounts via the DreamHost API.

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karatasi v1.2.3 (iPhone Application)

Flip card learning program for iPhone with a spaced learning algorithm like SuperMemo. You create your own databases and edit the cards directly on the iPhone. Supports synchronization of data with a PC through a web server, and import of Palm databases.

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