LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Ozma Wars (CV Game)

Michel Louvet announced via Facebook, that his game Ozma Wars for ColecoVision is now free to download. It was a in 2011 released commercial game.

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Barony v2.0.4.01 (Pandora Game Port)

Barony is a 3D, first-person roguelike. The goal of the game is to descend to the bottom of a dark dungeon known as the Devil’s Bastion and destroy an undead lich named Baron Herx, who terrorized the peaceful town of Hamlet in life and is now harboring a curse against the land from beyond the grave. To aid you in your quest are friendly humans who have been eeking out a rough life within the dungeon for generations, as well as any friends you can bring with you in real life: Barony is the first of its kind as a first-person roguelike in that it fully supports cooperative multiplayer for up to four players.

You will need the data from the full version to play this PND! Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.

Release notes:

* Initial build
* Converted FMOD audio to OpenAL
* Many optimization to graphical engine
* Some optimization in Logic engine
* Use of FBO on glReadPixels
* Some changes to defaults config to better suit the Pandora

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NetSurf v3.6.0.03 (Pandora Browser Port)

NetSurf is a multi-platform web browser for RISC OS, UNIX-like platforms (including Linux), Mac OS X, and more. Whether you want to check your webmail, read the news or post to discussion forums, NetSurf is your lightweight gateway to the world wide web. Actively developed, NetSurf is continually evolving and improving.

Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Fixed Icon
* Using latest sources

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The Amazing Adventures of Echo v1.3.2.01 (Pandora Game Port)

The Amazing Adventures of Echo is a game by drumpi. Echo is a 7 years old boy, who loves action films and comics so much and thinks he’s an action hero. But, what happens if we give him the oportunity to try? Let see!!! So this is an action game, with lots of jumps, enemies and a little of exploration. Search in every wall, maybe you can find and item… or something more. Game packaged for Pandora by ptitSeb.

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RSS Guard v3.3.7.0 (Pandora Application Port)

RSS Guard is simple (yet powerful) feed reader. It is able to fetch the most known feed formats, including RSS/RDF and ATOM. RSS Guard is developed on top of the Qt library. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.


– Latest stable release.
– Updated libs and sources.

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FLUCTUS (22-01-2017) (PICO-8 Game)

Two-player fighting game for PICO-8! Master the magic FLUCTUS beam and eradicate your opponent! Grab the wave-modifying powerups to make your beam even better! Fight it out in five different levels! Made by Fabian Sörensson and Erik Svedäng for Global Game Jam 2017.

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Kidd Bludd’s Treacherous Tower (22-01-2017) (PICO-8 Game)

Kidd Bludd’s Treacherous Tower is a Bubble Bobble inspired platformer by mhughson. It’s having slightly more action and is abit darker than Bubble Bobble, but is an overall excellent game..

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UAE Camel Racing v1.5 (Android Game)

UAE Camel Racing is an Android game by Aqdar World Games L.L.C. Bored of playing animal racing that isn’t exciting enough? Take control of your camel, as you race through different tracks with more racing friendly modes.

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Stunt Car Remake v0.1.0.01 (Pandora Game Port)

Stunt Car Remake is a port to Linux and OpenPandora of Stunt Car Racer Remake, a windows remake (based on the disassembly of the Amiga version) of the old Stunt Car Racer from the AtariST/Amiga time. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.

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The Retro Hour EP54 – X-COM, Laser Squad and Chaos (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


We chat to the man behind X-COM, Laser Squad and Chaos, the amazing Julian Gollop!

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