Fire & Brimstone by Benjamin Soulé is a roguelike with a randomized skill tree. You must find the 4x relic parts in the dungeon. Relic parts spawn on floor 2/3/4 + 5/6/7 + 8/9/10 … You can also buy a relic part to the shopkeeper for 12 coins.
GnGB by Frogus and Pepone is a GB and GBC emulator for Linux written in C using the SDL. It runs most GB and GBC ROMs and also supports zipped (.zip) ROMs.
Pinta is a free, open source drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET. Its goal is to provide users with a simple yet powerful way to draw and manipulate images on Linux, Mac, and Windows.
* Using latestes sources (1.7 now)
* Needs MonoRT build 05+
VChar64 is an editor for the Commodore 64/128. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Latest stable release. See Changelog.
Qtractor is an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt4 framework. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Latest beta release. Updated sources.
MineTest is an open source infinite-world block sandbox game with survival and crafting. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.
QtBrynhildr is a QT Client for the Brynhildr windows remote control client. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.
* Updated sources.
* Using Qt 5.7.0
EasyRPG Player is a project that aims to create a free (as in freedom) cross-platform and multi-language Role Playing Game (RPG) creation tool, inspired by a commercial product called RPG Maker. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.
* Updated sources
Wizardish by Eduardolicious is a first-person grid-based Dungeon Crawler!
– eight 16×16 dungeons
– grid-based movement/turn-based combat system
– four selectable characters with various stats/perks
– chests with gold, potions, and maybe a trap
– full UI with message system, stats, step tracking, and time played
– cartdata for highest loot run
– sounds by me, music by 0xabad1dea
– more stuff that i’m probably forgetting