LvR (Gameboy Advance)

The Sensational Santuci Sisters (Build 36) (A2600 Game)

theloon decided to work on a horizontal scrolling game what is currently turning out to be a “The Great Giana Sisters” inspired platformer named The Sensational Santuci Sisters. The development is still in progress, so expect improvements in the near future.

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Retrogaming Times Monthly #104 (misc)

Retrogaming Times Monthly #104 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on the homebrew scene.

Content of this issue:

* Press Fire To Begin
* Retrogaming News

* Caught On Film – Wreck-It Ralph
* The Pixelated Mage – Top 10 Of 2012
* Apple II Incider – Christmas Gifts For The Apple II Fan
* CoCoLicious! – The CoCo’s 3rd Time Is A Charm (Part 1)
* The Way Things Were – January 1983

* MAME Reviews – Astro Blaster
* NES’cade – Cabal
* Beyond The Plastic – Tom & Jerry (NES)
* The Retro Junkie – NHL ’94

* Game Over

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ZXDS v1.1.1 (Spectrum emu for NDS)

ZXDS is an emulator of Sinclair ZX Spectrum for Nintendo DS, written by Patrik Rak. It is steadily reaching a mature stage of development, and it already has some noteworthy features, like accurate emulation of Spectrum 48k, 128k and Pentagon models (including sound), or support for TAP/TZX/PZX tape files, TRD/SCL disk files and RZX playback files.


* Spectrum +2A/+3 snapshots are not rejected right away anymore. Instead, they are executed in 128K mode with extended paging enabled. This makes some +2A/+3 RZXs and exclusive software work quite fine.
* Added a bit of color coding to the controls screen.

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Epic Realtime (GBA Demo)

Epic Realtime by Cosine is a Gameboy Advance Demo released at tUM 2012.

Epic Realtime (Gameboy Advance)

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Subtera Puzlo v1.3 (NDS Game)

Subtera Puzlo by EgoTrip is a homebrew puzzle game for the Nintendo DS console. The object of the game is to escape each screen, collecting the coins, and the key that will unlock the exit. There is an initial time limit of 30 seconds. Avoid the guardians and traps, colliding with these will result in a failure.

Subtera Puzlo v1.3

Thanks to NintendoMax for the news! If you do not want to register at GBAtemp to get the download, get it from NintendoMax!

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Epic Realtime (Vectrex Demo)

Epic Realtime is a demo released at tUM 2012 by Nuance.

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WiiVNC v1.3 (Wii Application)

Paul Wagener updated his VNC Viewer WiiVNC for the Nintendo Wii.


* Added ‘-‘ character to keyboard in first screen
* Compiled with latest libogc

By with 0 comments v2.4.1 (C64 emu for Wii) is a networked port of the Frodo C64 emulator by Simon Kagstrom and Oibaf.


* Compiled against libogc 1.8.11 and SDL-Wii r101
* Fixed full resolution in 576i video mode
* Fixed Restore key

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FBZX Wii v7 (ZX Spectrum emu for Wii)

FBZX is a ZX Spectrum emulator for FrameBuffer written by Sergio Costasand ported as FBZX Wii to Wii by Oibaf.

Main features:

* Emulates accurately the Original 48Kspectrum (both issue 2 and issue 3), the classic 128K, the Amstrad Plus 2, the Amstrad Plus 2A and the Spanish 128K. This includes screen, keyboard and sound (both speaker and AY-3-8912 chip).
* Screen emulation is extremely accurate, so it can emulate border effects and even attribute effects.
* Supports Z80 snapshots, both loading and saving, and loading .SNA snapshots.
* Supports TAP (both read and write) and TZX (only read) tape files, supporting normal speed loading and fast speed loading.
* Emulates up to 2 joysticks of types: kempston, cursor and sinclair1 and sinclair2.
* All the wiimote, nunchuck and classic controller buttons and joypads are fully configurable.
* Virtual keyboard support.
* Emulates the Interface I and Microdrive.
* Emulates the ULAPlus
* Based in a new, fully free, Z80 emulator (Z80Free).


* Added auto turbo mode
* Added graphical virtual keyboard using wii pointer
* Added B button as escape
* Fixed bug in file list management

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UAE Wii v9.1 (Amiga emu for Wii)

UAE Wii is a port of the famous Amiga emulator UAE and is based on the source code of E-UAE. The port uses SDL Wii.


* Compiled against libogc 1.8.11 and SDL-Wii r101
* Fixed full resolution in 576i video mode

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