Bored? Need something to read? Maybe even free? What about the latest REV’n’GE? Issue #46 is out!
Bored? Need something to read? Maybe even free? What about the latest REV’n’GE? Issue #45 is out!
Bored? Need something to read? Maybe even free? What about the latest REV’n’GE? Issue #44 is out!
Zachary Banks started an article series related to new games on old systems. Kindly check out the article on his page (link below).
Zachary Banks started an article series related to new games on old systems. Kindly check out the article on his page (link below).
Bored? Need something to read? Maybe even free? What about the latest REV’n’GE? Issue #43 is out!
Bored? Need something to read? Maybe even free? What about the latest REV’n’GE? Issue #42 is out!
Bored? Need something to read? Maybe even free? What about the latest REV’n’GE? Issue #41 is out!
BITBITJam is an Online RetroGame event where people around the world create a game for old hardware in a week. Create a game to play on a real old hardware (8 bits and 16 bits retro computer/console).
Starts: Sat 14 of June at 00:00 GMT+1
Ends: Sat 21 of June at 00:00 GMT+1
OpenConsole is a .pdf magazine in Italian language, specialized in homebrew and open-source consoles.