DreamChess is a portable chess game consisting of an xboard-compatible OpenGL user interface with 2D and 3D board views and a chess engine. The primary targets are Dreamcast, Linux, Win32 and BeOS. Thanks to dcemu.co.uk for the news.http://developer.berlios.de/projects/dreamchess/
PDRC #3.33 will start very soonish to celebrate something. So far there are a few allowed systems, but maybe the one or other coder does not see his decided system on the list. So here is your chance to raise your voice and reqest a CONSOLE or HANDHELD system to be added to to official allowed system list. There is NO registration required.http://www.pdroms.de/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=219
Rockin-B released a Saturn version of his game WinterSport Eins. Thanks to retroK for the news.http://www.rockin-b.de/news/current.htm
First-Touch.nl conducted an interview with LiraNuna, creator of WinS for GBA and NDS. The english version of the interview is near the bottom of the below linked page.http://first-touch.nl/text/text.php?id=570
GP Snake has been updated once more.http://www.alonesoft.net/GpSnake.php
Doom PSP is a Doom I and Doom II port to the PSP by Lantus. Thanks to wraggster for the news.
Bifuteki updated his snes9x port for the PSP.
Rei updated his NES emulator for the PSP to v0.4.
Image provided by: Chris CovellChris Covell who is known for his NESdemos found a new console to play with. The Sega Master System!http://www.smspower.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6835
PSP-Dev released their exploit to use with the Sony PSP v1.5! It seems to work, so everyone with a PSP v1.5 has the chance now to run homebrewn on it. It’s a swap method with 2 memorysticks.WARNING!This exploit works only for v1.50 PSP’s NOT for 1.51 and 1.52. You can get the download at the link below. Let the homebrewn begin!Maybe on an important sidenote. Be happy with what you got and give those coders a hug. They deserved it.http://putoamo.addr.com/index2.html