Oh well… the deadline for the 2.5 coding competition is over. If you still have an unsent entry, please hurry up 🙂 I’ll give 2 more hours, then I really turn off the email account where you have to sent your games in. – Regards KojotePS: Thanks for all people who take part! More news in a few hours.
ingeras updated his gplinux and added an alpha version of a flash player.Thanks to craigix for the info.http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?showtopic=10948&st=255
Logic GP is a puzzle game in the style of Mario’s Picross. You can download it from GP32spain (needs registration).http://www.gp32spain.com/
Another version of GP Advance is out…http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/gpadvance/gpadv/gpadv.fxe
PocketNES is a NES emulator for Gameboy Advance. PocketNES is written by loopy and flubba and started out as an assembler port of loopynes emulator for DOS.
2004-07-03 Bugfixes in new PocketNES Version 9.93: Changed back to the old mapper #4. Changed back to the old cpu core.
This is the last chance to work on your entry for the PDRoms Coding Competition and win a Neo Geo Pocket Color with seven games! You have nearly 3 days left.Your goal is to greate a”Game&Watch”style game, in fact a LCD style game, with leading intro! Deadline is Sunday, 4th July, 2004 at 23:59 GMT +1. Allowed systems are: Gameboy Classic, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, GP32, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Megadrive/Genesis, NES&Dreamcast! Click on the link below the get more information and full rules.If you are already working on an entry, please send your entry in time 🙂http://www.pdroms.de/pdrc2_5.php
Squidge comes up with a very early alpha of a Lynx emulator for the GP32. Here are the notes from the GP32x boards:
Note that this in an alpha release, so it requires the following conditions: * There is no menu* It only runs at 166Mhz* An Atari Lynx ROM dump must be present in the”GPMM”directory called”lynxboot.img”* An Atari Lynx Game ROM must also be present in”GPMM”called”golf.lnx”. These are standard Handy-type game roms.* There is very little error checking* It’s slow* There’s no sound* Standard”No Warrantee/Guarantee/etc”disclaimers apply: If this version blows up your gp32, kills your cat, burns down your house, etc, etc. It’s not my fault.This version should not be distributed outside of GP32X
SvOlli is currently coding a new OggVorbis player.If you want to try out a first beta, head over to theBeta Test Forum at www.gp32x.com (you have to be registered there)http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?act=ST&f=22&t=12008
CyberPong, a four way pong game which has been released very early this morning. It has seen an update and is on version two now. As I do not know spanish, I can’t say anything about the changes. Please note that you need to be registered member at GP32spain to get the file.http://www.gp32spain.com/
fgen32, a very good Genesis emulator for the GP32 by Rlyeh, has seen an update.http://www.retrodev.info