beatwho has released the source-code of his turn based strategy game Warlords DS.

Release notes:

9/10/2007 – The source code is now available in the downloads section. I basically went through cleaning up classes that werent needed and joined classes together. There were a few issues with the compiler when i did this so the FSM stuff looks kinda dodgy. The grunt of the work is in the gamevar class, in the Update() function. Any questions about the code can be sent to the email address at the bottom of the page.

The game source code itself is free for anybody to use as long as you dont pass off the work as your own (you dont even have to mention me!), the art, of course, including the art source files remain the property of Lobo and you will need specific permission from him to use.

If you are feeling generous and want to incorporate any changes you make into my codebase then please email the source files and Ill see what I can do about merging it into the current codebase. If this happens enough Ill set up an svn server or something to use.