camro updated his application SchedHandler, previously known as MailHandler. The program is based upon ImapPusher.
+ mail handling for getting emails via standard mail programm (poutlook) in defined time scheduling
+ multiple mail profiles
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for mailhandling with options for:
+> switching on/off diff. connection things (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+> email checking (using imapidle or polling)
+> multiple time plans for every mail profile with using diff checking interval (polling or imapidle)
+> multiple time plans for “external commands” executing incl. recycling
-> fixing the network connection problems.
-> fixing waiting cursor
->some small fixes for scheduler on loading profile (but not activated in this version, because wants to have the network connection stable)