Intrepid Izzy by Senile Team combines platforming, beat ’em up and adventure elements to create a unique experience with depth, character and above all, fun. Here comes the late December 2019 development update:


Costumes have been completed for some time, but sometimes creative people get that creative itch, and they just can’t help themselves. In short: another costume has been made. Izzy was already wearing a miner’s helmet in the mine cart level, but now she can don the entire outfit! So costumes are now super completed.

Programming is practically finished. Everything works and the big list of bugs is now greatly reduced. Just some finishing touches and we’re done! Finishing touches such as achievements/trophies/goals. Whatever you call them, they’re a fun little extra in games and we believe there should be a nice mix of easy and harder trophies. And most importantly, they should have silly names – but you will find out what we came up with in due time.

We have enemies by the bucketloads! I’m going to call this one finished.

As you’ve seen in recent updates, we have been hard at work on the boss fights. We are still perfecting them, and depending on how that goes, may decide to add one or two more.

The levels are pretty much done, but we’re still tying some things together to improve the overall progression, and creating a grand entrance to the final boss. And of course the gradual tweaking, improving and expanding of the levels will continue bit by bit until the very last moment – all to make the game the best we can. Completion: 99%

Almost finished! We just need to create an ending with some appropriate ending music to end all ending.

So what about the release date you ask? Well, we’re not yet in a position to have an actual date. But we can tell you what the plan is.

We expect to complete “release candidate 1” as soon as January. This basically means the first complete version of the game, which is to be thoroughly tested to evaluate if it is ready for release. Depending on the test results, we may proceed with release, or create revised versions RC2, RC3 as needed.

First, we want to release the PC version, since no certifications or CD pressing is needed. This version will also be easiest to patch and update in case the need should arise. It will be released as soon as possible after a release candidate has passed our quality control.

The second step is to create the console versions based on the latest updated version. During this step Roel will have to put the finishing touches on the PS4 and Dreamcast versions. Naturally this will require some work on specific programming and graphical requirements, but also age rating, Sony certification, CD pressing for the Dreamcast, packaging, and all the little details that will pop up during development.

To estimate a timing for the console versions is even more tricky than for the PC version because we also depend on a lot of external factors. However, it will be as soon as possible and in 2020