Go!Tube is a application to let you watch Youtube videos on your PSP.
all change are from PSPtube, not from Ultimate PSPtube
* 1.0 added GoTube? Updater : scan all .js in the site/ folder, load a online page and compare the site.rev
* added attribut : PSPtube.MultiView? [true|false] display the next search site in the top of screen
* removed function site.search replaced by info.URL , used by eval(info.URL). Syntax is harder to understand but finaly more powerful.* 1.1 added HightMemoryMod work with the “ms0:/PSP/GAME/GoTube?/” confuguration, to desactiveate HMM : delete EBOOT.PBP , rename GT into EBOOT.PBP
* added repository support to GoTube Updater
* added function ext(from[,to])
* modded some char path, now in relative