Here comes an updated version of the M33 custom firmware for PSP.
– Now uses 3.71
– VSH Menu is not longer launched using HOME key, but using SELECT now. This is to not interfere with the XMB function of home, which is now more useful in this firmware.
– Psp Slim: umdcache was allocating memory even when homebrew was launched, wasting memory that homebrew programs may want to use. Now umdcache module is stopped before it can allocate any memory, only in the case homebrew is launched. Also, memory is unprotected for user memory usage by M33 core (only when homebrew is launched). Developer, for a sample of how to use the extra memory, see the extra ram sample of the M33 sdk.
– Both version boot now from 3.XX ipl, and are independent of 1.50. The main installer will not install 1.50 kernel anymore. A 1.50 kernel addon for 3.71 M33 that will install inside 3.71 M33 will be released in a few days (for fat only)