PSPedict is a general Japanese <-> English dictionary with many japanese Japanese entries. You can search in English via the On Screen Keyboard (OSK), or in Japanese using Hiragana / Katakana. It is also possible to search using Kanji from a Kanji Popup window, or when navigating through the Kanjidic fil. You can save and load found sets, and store up to 2000 entries in each of the four study lists.
– New searchable dictionaries:
* Tanaka Corpus (divided into 3 parts)
* Kanjidic (for studying purposes)
* Surname (divided into 3 parts)
* Given female name (divided into 2 parts)
* Given male name
* Given name gender not specified
* Place names (divided into 4 parts)
* Railway Station
* Company name
* Organization name
* Product name
* Unclassified name (divided into 3 parts)
– Wrote the logic and added 300 kanji images. Help needed with completing the set!
– Fixed a bug. Now Edict icon is immediately seen in menu when used SKIP/Stroke count search.