A new version of Sarien for the GP32 has been released. Changes are: – Larry 1 adult questions works now ( and (perhaps) they are skipped automatically 🙂 ) – you can switch between capital and lower case letters with the L Button – Added the keyboard sources from Mr.Spiv, but I don’t know if it works 🙂 Let the [&hellip
Also updated is the Chu Chu Rocket clone Mya Mya Rocket for the GP32. Not sure whats new in this release so head over to the homepageherefor the download
Two updates since we last posted here about Emumans WIP GP32 game Xigon One. Changes are: – Added a second level after getting to the top of lvl 1.- Side walls no longer stop your forward movement- Other minor tweaks to code speed again.:) Download the new release from his homepagehere
Another new release of Sarien today, changes are: – the demo-pack-zips should work properly now – keyboard problems reduced – added a ‘quit’ button on the keyboard, so you can select another demo-pack without rebooting 🙂 Visit the homepageherefor the downloads
I read on IRC that a new Chu Chu Rocket clone has been released. The homepage is in French but dont let that put you off as its a good game 🙂 Head over to the homepageherefor the downloads
A new version of the WIP shoot em up Xigon One has been released. Changes are: – New Sounds FX now in game . added a HUD to the screen. changed the lives to ICON based ships.- Over all gfx clean up was done. Also added a”PRE-GAME”screen so you can be ready for combat.- Added MONEY Sprites for when you [&hellip
New WIP’s from the game”Giana’s Return”. Two weeks no WIP news. Shame on us! 🙂 We placed our power on finishing the game instead of updating this page, hopefully you guys out there understand that. The todays hot news: The sixth beta test has been completed today at 2:30am. A few minor fixes were necessary, therefore we need a seventh [&hellip
Real life things gettin’ too much at the moment. I can not manage to update PDRoms for a while, some of you might noticed that there weren’t any fileupdates the past months. Lack of motivation plus extreme real life stress keeps me away from taking care of this page. No worries, I’ll not close this page, nor I gonna give [&hellip
Emuman updated his game Xigon 1 yesterday. There quite a few changes in this release including new weapons related things, new enemy AI and collision detection. Visit his homepageherefor the downloads
Results and downloads of the second PDRoms Coding Competition are avaliable. Check out”PDRomc Coding Compos”at the left frame