PocketSPC is a SNES sound chip emulator for the Nintendo DS. The SPC700 is capable of 8 channel stereo playback at 32,000Hz with ADSR envelope support per voice, and an 8 tap FIR filter. Currently all 8 channels are emulated in stereo, with full ADSR support. Changes: Fixed some somewhat major bugs, one in particular that gets rid of a [&hellip
Franxis improved his MAME port for the GP32 a lot. The source-code and a binary are available from it’s official page. The changes are: Support for 11 Gottlieb/Mylstar games (mclassic.fxe): Q*Bert (US) (qbert), Q*Bert (Japan) (qbertjp), Q*Bert Qubes (qbertqub), FHMC Q*Bert (sqbert), Curve Ball (curvebal), Krull (krull), Mad Planets (mplanets), M.A.C.H. 3 (mach3), Reactor (reactor), Three Stooges (3stooges), Us vs. [&hellip
Team Discordia have released an update of PSPacman game for the PSP. Updates are : Added analog stick support Added free life every 10,000 points Fixed bug where ghosts would stay blue after you beat a level. Fixed collision detection bug where you would die from ghosts when they werent even touching you Added a fruit you can eat that [&hellip
cwbowron has updates his Chess game for the PSP. Chages are : moves print use modified put char from sdk to display using lower and uppercase new feature for beginner players (and others): option: hilite checks – default off – shows the threatenings piece(s) when in check. (red mask) option: show available – default off – shows the possible moves [&hellip
CPHartman has released a PSP to PalmOS communication application for both the PSP and the PalmOS handhelds.http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t
Image provided by: kromElements Of Darkness is a Castlevania style game with outdoor areas, scads of secrets, and an rotate/scale style boss, by Nessie.http://www.gbadev.org/index.php
A Techdemo by Aerol33t that displays a 3D dot ball on the PSP Screen.http://www.pspupdates.com/forum/showthread.php?t
A Pacman game by Team Discordia.http://www.teamdiscordia.com/games.html
Ydict is a english/chinese dictionary by Xizhilang.http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/ydict.shtml
Smiths has released an updated version of YoYo’s NeoGeoCD emulator for the PSP. Changes he made are : Added separate-key rapid-fire support (read below) Added cute Battery Meter to menus Cleaned up menu browsing minutely Goes without saying:”No P$PUpdate$ posting por favor” Thanks to wraggster for the news.http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=8312.com