Dragula96 has updated his 2 player only (yet) game NORT. It is a tron game for the PSP to use with the latest Lua Player.http://j.1asphost.com/pspminigames
Lua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications.Lua is also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. Lua is free software. Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, interpreted from bytecodes, and has automatic memory management with garbage collection, making it ideal for [&hellip
loopy has updated his NES emulator for the Nintendo DS. Changes are: Sound is mostly working. GBAMP is supported, but still has some issues. http://home.utah.edu/~u0422123/nes
fmsxDS is a MSX emulator for the Nintendo DS. As the page is in japanese, we can’t provide you with further information. http://www.imasy.or.jp/~ngs/emu/news.html
Infantile Paralysiser has updated his shell for the Nintendo DS. He have added those new features: random play and repeat, etc. were supported. When it is backlight off, it becomes sound off. Therefore, it disabled. It examines it again. The item is few. to be able to change setting. Please refer to ‘files/.shell/global.ini’. setting item added [System]:StartPath/FileSelectSubScreen/ClosedSholderButton/MusicNextsetting item added [TextPlugin]:SpacePixel [&hellip
Franxis has released a new version of his MAME emulator for the GP32. Changes made : TheGrimReaper: Option to save/load High Scores on SMC. TheGrimReaper: Improvement in controls for Hypersports, Track&Field, Bank Panic, Centipede, Pinball Action, Speed Ball, Reactor. TheGrimReaper: Some improvements in the frontend. Franxis: More optimizations and improvements in sound core. Similar sound quality than MAME GP32 1.3 [&hellip
harmless has updates his Atari 2600 game Mantra. Author notes: Hi Everybody,new version here, includes ‘demo’ option (it’s after the ‘practice’ one). It shows the cpu completing the sequences, and I hope this will give beginners an idea of how this game is meant to be played. Simone http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=74751&st
NGEM2k is a simple puzzle game and played 100 panels featuring gems of 7 different colors. at the very start of the game you will see the panels laid out randomly on a field. swap position of two gems (A + direction) to create rows of three or more.http://minigamecomp.org.uk/games.php
McZonk has released version 2 of his cel shading demo for the PSP.http://www.psp-arena.de/wbb2/thread.php?postid=13729#post
Image provided by: UnknownYokero is a simple but addictive game where you have to avoid obstacles/shoots 🙂http://homepage1.nifty.com/salt/fsw.htm