Jeff Mitchell has updated his CaSTaway for the PSP. CaSTaway is a great Atari ST emulator. Changes: More disk-database integration, throttling and frameskip, nicer menus with fast-scrolling and all sorts of goodness.
Image provided by: UnknownPicross DS is out. For those who don’t know about it, it’s an addictive puzzle game. This version already has 10 levels, 100 are planed.
Franxis has updated his MAME port for the GP32. This release is dedicated to TheGrimReaper, Mark and Maria. Changes are : TheGrimReaper: Frontend improvements. Access to new options screen pressing START+SELECT simultaneously: Delete ROMs, reset configuration and high scores files, re-assign controls, adjust analog controls sensitivity, update available game list, etc. TheGrimReaper: Improvements in the game options screen. All options [&hellip
Image provided by: JEKJEK, author of the Lua Minesweeper for the PSP, has released his second Lua game to the public. The aim of it is to connect all squares horizontally or vertically.
Syn-Z has improved DGen once more. It’s a Genesis/Megadrive emulator for the PSP.
Image provided by: miq01miq01 has released a remake of”Zookeeper”called”Tilematch GP”.
Image provided by: C@illouC@illou has released a new Nintendo DS homebrew game to the public. You can grab it from the page linked below. Thanks to wraggster for the news.
raf has released a modification to the FTP transfer program FTPD to use withthe PSP. Release notes: I implemented a crude rename for FTPD. It has almost no error checking, but it seems to work fine for now.. I’ll release a new”official”release later.
Image provided by: Wraggstermofig has released a 3D chess game for the PSP.
Image provided by: WraggsterSpastic has released his first game written in Lua. As all Lua games it requires the Lua-Player for PSP. Thanks to wraggster for thew news.