Archive for October, 2005
Marble Jumper (14-10-2005) (A2600 Game)

Zach has released an unmodified supercharger version of”Marble Jumper”which was previously known as”Marble Game”. It’s a solitaire game.

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Flow (14-10-2005) (A2600 Game)

seeme has updated his game”Flow2. Changes: black matrix bakground ‘shaded’ sticks color there’s a sound when cells are moved there’s a sound when new cpu cells are generated

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Tedzero Browser v2.0 (PSP Application)

Image provided by: tedzeroThis program allows a user to log into their computer from anywhere on the internet (via WiFi) and copy files from a computer running the FileServer to your PSP. [Description taken from PSP-Updates]

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Crazy Racer 3D (14-10-2005) (GBA Game)

mikegba improved his racing game”Crazy Racer 3D”a lot. Get the current demo from:

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Ooze! (A2600 Game)

Image provided by: UnknownControl your ship and battle against the ooze! move left and right and shoot it with missles to keep it at bay. Levels are time dependant, with a total of 10 levels. [Description taken from the Minigame Compo 2005 page]

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Basilisk II (15-10-2005) (MacOS emu for PSP)

ChaosKnight has updated his PSP port of Basilisk, an MacOS emulator. Changes: P-Sprint (press select to switch between P-Sprint and Mouse mode) Automatically adds DSK and HFV files Supports MacOS 8 3 Levels of mouse sensitivity (DPad = slow, Analog Light = Mid, Analog Heavy = Fast)

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Skyway r2 (GP32 Fenix Game)

Image provided by: AlexAlex is currently working on a shooter made in Fenix. It requires the Fenix runtime libs for Gp32.

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GP32 S.E.U.C.K. (GP32 misc)

Wubby is having an attempt to re-create the old (S)hoot (E)m (U)p (C)ontruction (K)it to the GP32. He is in early stages but there is already something to show. There is a lot of non-game stuff that needs adding. Read on here:

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PicrossDS v0.3 (NDS Game)

PicrossDS is a puzzle game for the DS. Thanks toDrunkenCodersfor the news. Changes: 100 more puzzles, bringing the grand total to 150 Music! Now you don’t have to play in silence. If it irks you, you can turn the music off in the pause menu by pressing left or right. You can now use L and R to scroll through [&hellip

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MoonShell v0.4 (NDS Application)

Infantile Paralysiser has updated MoonShell…

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