While I have been on vacation, drunkencoders.com announced a coding competition which still runs till 1st January 2006. The deal is to create a game or demo with a holiday theme. More information via the link below.http://www.drunkencoders.com/documents/DS/compo.htm
2ch Browser Test v0.13 is out… Thanks to PSP-Wiki for the news.http://psp.minopon.com
Pong for the GP2x … 🙂http://www.bolton.ac.uk/staff/adw
Image provided by: gpspout.72dpiarmy.comNo_skill just released Spout for the GP2x. It is a port of a japanese shooting game. No zoom No real exit find the key, i don’t know which one does thrust. updated release in the future. http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?showtopic
RAIN (not to be confused with Raine) is an application for the Nintendo DS that helps you manage SRAM and EEPROM. It can launch NDS files too.http://www.pat.hi-ho.ne.jp/sata68/nds.shtml#new
FluBBa has updated his Master System emulator SMSAdvance. Release notes: SMSAdvance V1.2 is released, added support for mode0&mode2, so now 2 SMS games (F-16 Fighter&Loretta no Shouzou) and most SG-1000 games are playable. Also fixed the saving of 32kB SRAM. http://hem.passagen.se/flubba/gba.html
Image provided by: Edison CarterThe PSP Trainer for”Liberty City Stories”has been updated. For now it already supports a few basic cheats like: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather&Spawn Anything. Yet it only works with the US/Canada version of LCS and requires a 2.0, 2.01 or 2.50 firmware. Version 0.1c adds snow and other weather choices.http://www.maxbot.com/gta
Image provided by: GP32xRockdodger has been released for the GP2x by theoddbot. Dodge the rocks for as long as possible until you die. Kill greeblies to make the universe safe for non-greeblie life once again http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?showtopic
Zodttd released a port of Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe for the GP2x. Thanks to GP32x for the news. There’s still a lot to be done with OpenTTD for GP2X (needs a name!) but I’m releasing this early beta now. This way I can make sure I have this app down as being worked on already. 😉 OpenTTD works suprisingly well [&hellip
Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games. It is written on top of the excellent SDL library. This allows you to create fully featured games and multimedia programs in the python language. Pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system. Thanks to GP32spain for the news. http://www.gp32spain.com/foros/downloads.php?do=file&id