NeoCDGP2x is a NeoGeo (CD) emulator based upon NeoCD/SDL and NeoCD/PSP. This version seems to provide improved game compatibility.
SnesGP2X has been updated. This SNES emulator for the GP2x is based upon work from snes9x, OpenSnes9x and Little John PalmOS.
NesGP2X has been updated. This emulator is based on work from InfoNES, Little John PalmOS and Nofrendo.
Image provided by: Unknowntheoddbot has released a port of Sopwith to the GP2x. This RC3 adds the possibility to play against an AI.
PSPInside by the demogroup Hitmen is a multipurpose PSP Hacking and Information Tool.
News from Infantile Paralysiser… libIMFS ImplantFilesystem v0.3 has been released.
thepixelatedpoo has renamed his game”Lunar”(posted earlier) to”Lunar Lander”now. Here are the release notes for the new version: Due to popular demand, I renamed my homebrew to”lunar lander”. I also changed the title screen. People new to my lunar lander homebrew, you pilot a ship and you try to land on the landing pad(blue)with a speed of less than 15.
Peldet is a TELNET client for the PSP by Danzel. This version adds IRC support! Changes: Changelog:The codebase has been really thrashed to get in multiple protocol support There is still a bit to do, but it can wait for the next version.IRC SUPPORT :O some limitations, but pretty usable When connecting to wifi it will keep trying untill it [&hellip
Lunar is a game similar to”Moon Lander”. You have to make sure your starship lands without damang on a platform.
Image provided by: GP32xA port of Reminescene, FlashBack engine for GP2x, has been released by Rlyeh. Well, I think it’s time torelease my first GP2X binary, isn’t it ? I’ve ported the amazing REminiscence engine as an exercise training to test&stress my minimal SDK libraries. The port itself is almost finished and its smooth as hell. It’s only missing savestates [&hellip