Archive for November, 2005
NeoCDGP2X (30-11-2005) (NeoGeoCD emu for GP2x)

NeoCDGP2x is a NeoGeo (CD) emulator based upon NeoCD/SDL and NeoCD/PSP. This version seems to provide improved game compatibility.

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SnesGP2X (30-11-2005) (SNES emu for GP2x)

SnesGP2X has been updated. This SNES emulator for the GP2x is based upon work from snes9x, OpenSnes9x and Little John PalmOS.

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NesGP2X (30-11-2005) (NES emu for GP2x)

NesGP2X has been updated. This emulator is based on work from InfoNES, Little John PalmOS and Nofrendo.

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SDL Sopwith RC3 (GP2x Game Port)

Image provided by: Unknowntheoddbot has released a port of Sopwith to the GP2x. This RC3 adds the possibility to play against an AI.

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PSPInside v0.9q (PSP Application)

PSPInside by the demogroup Hitmen is a multipurpose PSP Hacking and Information Tool.

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libIMFS ImplantFilesystem v0.3 (NDS misc)

News from Infantile Paralysiser… libIMFS ImplantFilesystem v0.3 has been released.

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Lunar Lander (PSP Game)

thepixelatedpoo has renamed his game”Lunar”(posted earlier) to”Lunar Lander”now. Here are the release notes for the new version: Due to popular demand, I renamed my homebrew to”lunar lander”. I also changed the title screen. People new to my lunar lander homebrew, you pilot a ship and you try to land on the landing pad(blue)with a speed of less than 15.

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Peldet v0.7 DuEy Edition (PSP Application)

Peldet is a TELNET client for the PSP by Danzel. This version adds IRC support! Changes: Changelog:The codebase has been really thrashed to get in multiple protocol support There is still a bit to do, but it can wait for the next version.IRC SUPPORT :O some limitations, but pretty usable When connecting to wifi it will keep trying untill it [&hellip

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Lunar (27-11-2005) (PSP Game)

Lunar is a game similar to”Moon Lander”. You have to make sure your starship lands without damang on a platform.

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REminiscence 0.1.8 – GP2X v0.1 beta (GP2x Game Port)

Image provided by: GP32xA port of Reminescene, FlashBack engine for GP2x, has been released by Rlyeh. Well, I think it’s time torelease my first GP2X binary, isn’t it ? I’ve ported the amazing REminiscence engine as an exercise training to test&stress my minimal SDK libraries. The port itself is almost finished and its smooth as hell. It’s only missing savestates [&hellip

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